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Only effective for dead people Wang Weicheng has a very strange ability: he can see clearly the internal organs of a corpse. But when faced with a living person, this ability disappeared so much that there was no shadow, so he gave this ability a strange name: Transcendence. On Sunday, Wang Weicheng’s buddy Liu Shang came to visit him. Wang Weicheng was very happy, so he invited Liu Shang to.. Read More

Three hands blind date

The name of the three hands is Chang Na. Both of his parents work out of town. Only grandma takes care of her. She dropped out of school before graduating from junior high school. No matter how her grandma persuaded him to return to school, he just refused to listen. The head teacher also visited many times. During the visit, when he saw the class teacher coming, he hid far.. Read More

Proctitis and non-atrophic gastritis with erosion:

Problem description: Proctitis and non-atrophic gastritis with erosion: Question date:2020-09-05 Patient information:< /b>Age: 39 years old, Gender: MaleProblem analysis:Hello, this situation is mainly to pay attention to regular diet, eat small and frequent meals, chew slowly, and avoid spicy food Irritating foodGuide suggestion: It is recommended to take pantoprazole, mosapride, and Changyanning for treatment. This condition is mainly to nourish the stomach with regular diet, if the diet is not.. Read More

Six short ghost stories

The thief After many years, Luo Xiaohua returned home again with his newlywed wife Xiao Shuangshuang. Xiao Shuangshuang is a standard beauty embryo, who can go to the hall and the kitchen. Once he returned to his hometown, he gave Luo Xiaohua a face. That night, Luo Xiaohua had just returned from a drink outside and was very happy. He had to take Xiao Shuangshuang to the mountain to remember.. Read More

Honeymoon box

Because the brides have a fear of flying, they take a train to go out on their honeymoon. They packed a soft sleeping box and were excited to go to the prairie. That night, the flight attendant brought a simple young woman with a baby to look for them. “Because this girl caught a cold before getting in the car, she kept crying, and the people in the hard-seat car.. Read More

Left ear, tragus and external ear canal are swollen and painful,

Problem description: What is the cause of the swelling and pain of the left ear tragus and external auditory meatus? Question date:2020-09-05 Patient information:Age: 30 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: According to your description, look at the swelling and pain of the left tragus and the external auditory canal. It should be caused by otitis media.Guiding suggestions: It is recommended that you go to the ENT department of the hospital.. Read More

To die

She gritted her teeth and moved forward, just trying to get away from the thing behind her desperately. She can die, even willing to die, but she can’t ignore him, she must escort him out. Three days ago, she followed him to the jungle skiing, but they were lost in an avalanche. She had no choice but to help his stiff and cold body move forward step by step, because.. Read More


After Liu Erqiang and his friends had a drink together, it was past 11 o’clock in the evening, and they came to the door of the house leisurely. The key couldn’t be inserted, but after he knocked on the door for a while, “That’s weird? Why won’t my wife open the door for me?” The more the door was not opened, the more he knocked, waking the neighbor . At.. Read More

Got a lot of diseases in recent years

Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): Once in a few years, Qian found that he had chest tightness, his throat was not obedient, and he could not smoke. Later, I got pharyngitis and periodontitis, and then my hair lost. My urine was always yellow. Now I still have bad breath, sometimes my anus still hurts. What should I do with so many problems?Question date:2020-09-05.. Read More

Law of Milk Tea

Xiao Wang in the office is about to get married, so he bought milk tea for everyone to drink. “Brother Hu, what do you think this girl in love looks like.” Xiao Wang smiled and asked Brother Hu, who had been married for two years. “I look like this milk tea, I always want to hold the other person in my hand when I am passionate about it.” Brother Hu.. Read More