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Hello doctor, my son suddenly became deaf after swimming in December last year and was diagnosed with the virus

Problem description:Hello doctor, my son suddenly became deaf after swimming in December last year. He was diagnosed with a virus infection. After taking Chinese medicine for a period of time, the effect is not obvious. We don’t want to give up. Please see the doctor.Question date:2020-09-07 Patient information:Age: 13 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: b>In this case, the most important thing is to find the root cause of the deafness.. Read More

From novels, movies to games, how do people create lone heroes

Even if the game is so complicated, the essence is still the same. We are all manipulating one or more people to save the world. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Touch Music” (ID: chuappgame), author : Ten severe weather. Since the history of human war has transitioned from villager fights to final battles, there has been less and less room for individual heroism. Artists continue.. Read More

In those years, the big guys brought the poisonous chicken soup to the beaters

“Must do more than 996”, “because business is the biggest public welfare.” “First set a small goal that can be achieved, and I will earn him 100 million first.” “So they say that young people don’t drink Moutai. That’s a kid who is not sensible and doesn’t know how to drink well.” “Young people are too impatient, don’t always think about making money, go for charity or adventure.” Yes, our.. Read More

Crying eyes

1 The second uncle is dead. Du Feng was a little at a loss when he received a letter from the second aunt. In the letter, the second aunt asked him to go, saying that she and Ding Wei were afraid at home and wanted him to stay with him. day. Du Feng smiled and thought to himself, it just happened that my parents were on a business trip, and.. Read More

Is it normal to have fever and swelling in the affected limb?

Description of the problem: The left index finger was truncated for the first two quarters, and it became swollen at night for seven days, and the muscles were also pulled up.Date of the problem:2020-09-07 Patient information:Age: 24 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: In this case, I personally suggest that patients must pay attention to timely dressing changes. Guiding suggestions: You need to go to the hospital’s surgery for further treatment,.. Read More

A pair of king bombs in Henan, the Central Plains city group joined the group chat

With population and GDP exceeding Chengdu and Chongqing, this urban agglomeration has the most potential. Editor’s note: This article micro-channel public number from the “city of the future FutureCity” (ID: caijingtod) , Author: Liu Yi. Text | Liu Yi Edit | Yang Zhongxu The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on October 16 to deliberate on the “Outline of the Construction Plan for the Two-City Economic.. Read More

The financial report is “exploded”, Tesla can’t see the ceiling

This article is from WeChat official account:Wall Street knowledge (ID: wallstreetcn), author: Zhang Ze first, the original title of” earnings “blown up”, Tesla wind took off, “head map from: vision China Today Tesla announced its third quarter financial report. The company has achieved profitability for 5 consecutive quarters. This quarterly report was hailed by Musk as “the best quarterly report in history.” This financial report can be said to be.. Read More

Midnight date

1 I have been working as a network manager in an Internet cafe for a long time, and I have become accustomed to guarding these 150 machines endlessly every day, and watching coming and going from the door All kinds of people. During the day, I don’t like to talk. I just collect money to help repair small things like computers. But at night, those gamers got on their respective.. Read More

How to treat muscular dystrophy? Is Peitu Ziyuan Soup OK?

Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): I heard from a patient that this Peituziyuan Decoction works well. I would like to know whether Chinese medicine has any effect on the body. Question date:2020-09-07 Patient information:Age: 24 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: First of all, for patients with muscular dystrophy, it is necessary to find out the root cause. Of course, it is helpful to.. Read More

Li Jiaqiweiya vs celebrity spokesperson, who can empty your wallet

The double eleven curtain just kicked off, and the brand started the “Spoker Defense War” ahead of schedule. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account ” net entertainment observed “(ID: wldygc2016) , author: Prince. Did you sleep on the night of October 20? Li Jiaqi in the left hand and Wei Ya in the right hand, the hand speed of paying the deposit is like a slow-motion.. Read More