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Rou Baozi

One “Meat buns, meat buns, fifty cents a, authentic meat buns!” Suddenly at the alley this morning. I opened a steamed bun stall, and the strip of cloth that was pulled up read “Thyme-Fragrant Meat Buns”. The meat buns are two unfamiliar faces. The men have long hair and the women have longer hair. They are very delicate, unlike our business. of. I stood in front of my own meat.. Read More

Entry physical examination urine occult blood weakly positive, urine microscopy red blood cell 0-4

Description of the problem: I have no physical discomfort during the work-entry physical examination of the unit. I would like to know if it will affect my entry.Date of the problem:2020-09-07 Patient information:Age: 23 years old, Gender: MaleProblem analysis: The problem is mainly a slight increase in transaminase, which generally has no diagnosis meaningful. Guidelines: If you are overweight, personally recommend that you lose weight first. Recommendations are for reference.. Read More

Office workers who work hard and don’t think are essentially the same as bachelors who don’t care about blind dates.

Going to work in a trance, at a loss after get off work, turning so busy that “behavior is out of focus”? You need to stop and think about this. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “LinkedIn” (ID: LinkedIn-China ) , author: Victoria small dimension. Recently, I heard a few different scenes from a few friends, but quite interesting cases with the same kernel. The first.. Read More

Why does Apple’s new machine bring this kind of chip on fire?

This article is from WeChat official account: semiconductor industry observers (ID: icbank) , author: Chang autumn, original title “Apple’s new machine is a NOR chip again Add a Fire” Last week, Apple released the new iPhone 12 series, which once again set off a wave of purchases. Different from previous models, this year’s iPhone 12 series all use OLED screens, which is the first time in the history of smartphones… Read More

Catch the soul escaping from the body

Get up in the middle of the night and look in the mirror. Am I sleepwalking, or am I really out of my body and lost my way? The light in the bathroom went out all at once! I want to touch a familiar doorknob, but I can’t touch it. I slipped, and a piece of soap on the bathroom floor made a big joke with me! The back of.. Read More

Xuan 穛u’ 呗ui

Problem description: It doesn’t hurt or itchy, it doesn’t get bigger, what is this? Past medical history and operation history: Yes, I had condyloma acuminatum two years ago and had laser surgeryQuestion date: 2020-09-07 Patient information:< /b>Age: Gender: Problem analysis: I suggest you send the picture. Let me see if it is a condyloma acuminata problem. Guide suggestion: If there is no skin damage, this kind of problem cannot be.. Read More

With the “nuclear power plant downstairs in the community”, this company wants to be another Tesla

Can this portable and safe small reactor change the public’s doubts about the safety of nuclear energy? Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “Nutshell” (ID: Guokr42) , Author: Sagittarius A, Editor: Zhu Buchong. Speaking of nuclear energy, it is estimated that two labels have appeared in everyone’s mind at the same time, “black technology” and “unsafe”. After all, Chernobyl is far away, and the Fukushima leak.. Read More

A pair of king bombs in Henan, the Central Plains city group joins the group chat

This article is from WeChat official account:FutureCity (ID: caijingtod), author: Liu Yi, editor: Yang Zhongxu, head Figure from: vision China The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on October 16 to deliberate on the “Outline of the Construction Plan for the Two-City Economic Circle in Chengyu Region”. The meeting requested that the Chengdu-Chongqing region firmly establish a game of chess and integrated development concept, improve cooperation.. Read More

Can the warm baby stick on the belly

< /p> When the weather is cold, people like to warm the baby, which can warm the body, adjust the body temperature, and improve the cold condition. When using it, you need to pay attention to the position of the sticker, so can the warm baby stick it on the stomach? Be careful when using the warm baby. The warm baby cannot be attached to the stomach, because the highest.. Read More

Feng Yue Hen

My name is He Chenfeng. I am a Taoist priest who knows how to catch ghosts. The master said that he had caught ghosts for a lifetime but he had never seen ghosts, but I did. My master and I live in the Wuqing Forest of Renxi Mountain. Note: This “Renxiu” is not the other “world”, and this “Wuqing” is not the “relentless”. The master wandered around for many years,.. Read More