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iOS 14 may be overlooked by you, 13 useful new features

Apple often does not tell users about all changes, but will “hide” some small functions in the system, waiting for users to discover by themselves, which is quite a treasure hunt. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “minority” (ID: sspaime) , Author: Tp . It has been nearly two months since the official version of iOS 14 was released. I believe many people have already updated.. Read More

RT-Mart, this time it’s “wrong big hair”

This article is from WeChat official account:China-Singapore Jingwei (ID: jwview), author: Yan Shu Xin, from the title figure: vision China Recently, RT-Mart has been “scolded” by hot searches for a list of women’s size recommendations. Although RT-Mart later publicly apologized for its “sparse” statement, it still failed to quell the “popular anger.” Many netizens left messages, hoping that relevant departments would punish them. The lawyer pointed out that RT-Mart’s actions.. Read More

What to do if there is foam instead of proteinuria.

Problem description: I also suddenly saw chronic kidney disease. I want to come over and ask. I have no edema, no high blood pressure, that is, there is foam in the urine, but the test says that it is not proteinuria, and my waist usually does not hurt. What should I do? Question date:2020-09-21 Patient information:Age: 24 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: Hello, normal people’s urine will also have foam,.. Read More

iPhone 12 Pro Max video experience: open the door to mobile movies?

This time I took the iPhone 12 Pro Max to several interesting places, and I also have some special shooting experiences I want to share with you. Bigger sensor and sensor displacement type anti-shake, and this different telephoto, etc. What is the difference between iPhone12 Pro Max? I think living in this era is a very lucky thing. In the past, you told people that you wanted to make a.. Read More

I took the short-acting contraceptive Yosmin for three days during breastfeeding and stopped taking it after a week

Problem description: I stopped taking the short-acting contraceptive yosemin for three days during breastfeeding. After 7 days a week, can I continue breastfeeding my baby? Question date: 2020-09-21 Patient information:Age: 27 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: According to your Described that short-acting contraceptives were discontinued after oral administration for three days during breastfeeding, and breastfeeding was allowed for one week apart. Guide and suggestion: During breastfeeding, it is recommended to.. Read More

Apple has pushed macOS Big Sur, is it up or not?

This article is from WeChat official account:APPSO(ID: appsolution), author: Musi, the original title: “macOS big Sur official version of the experience: big update! Apple moved the iOS style to the computer”, the title picture comes from: Apple’s “One More Thing” conference This year’s new macOS official version is pushed a bit late compared to previous years. This is obviously related to the late Mac release, but on the bright side,.. Read More

Always cry suddenly

Problem description: The one-year-old baby always cries suddenly between 3 am and 5 am for four consecutive days, stretches his body when crying, usually pulls once a day, and pulls once in the last two or three days. Question date:2020-09-21 Patient information:Age: 1 year old Gender: Male Problem analysis: In this case, considering the baby’s stool problem, the baby may have symptoms of intestinal spasm. Guidelines: Parents should first apply.. Read More

Business and mission, capitalism of ancient Buddhism

This article is from WeChat official account:Economic Observer Observer (ID: eeoobserver), original title: “Buddhism capitalism – from Gandhara to Dunhuang”, author: Liu Gang, head Figure from: vision China the religious style of capitalism Is there “capitalism” in the ancient world? It is a question worth mentioning. According to the five social forms, “capitalist society” only existed in modern times, but not in ancient times. Even if it does, it still.. Read More

How long does a normal person’s hair grow in a month

< /p> Everyone wants to have black and shiny hair, but some people find that their hair grows slowly in life, and it takes a long time to get a haircut. Can grow to the original level. This makes him have a doubt, this doubt is how long does a normal person’s hair grow in a month? The growth rate of normal people’s hair is 0.8-1.2cm a month, and how.. Read More