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Hello, I did a biopsy of the neck lymph nodes, but the doctor asked me to do the immunization group

Problem description: Hello, I did a biopsy of the neck lymph nodes, but the doctor asked me to do immunohistochemistry again. Is it lymphoma?Question date:2020 -12-15 Patient information:Age: 26 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, according to your situation, this Generally, it is mainly due to inflammation. Guide suggestion: It is better to check this further. It is better to rule out the disease, and then treat it. Usually, take a.. Read More

14,000 words to dig deep into Don Quixote-Japanese retail “cheap king” listed on discount

Commodities are discounted, but the market does not discount. Author: Tojiro Kataya Production: Qicheng Capital The growth black box not only studies the development of new online consumer brands, but also continues to pay attention to the laws and changes of offline retail formats. Recently, our old friend, Tojiro Kataya, a researcher of Qicheng Capital, deeply analyzed the era background, business logic, and application characteristics of the Japanese retail giant-Don.. Read More

Diabetics undergoing cataract surgery on November 23, the eyes were red for a day and a half

Problem description: Diabetes patients undergoing cataract surgery on November 23, the eyes were red for a day and a half, and there was a little sticky feeling. Question date:2020-12-15 Patient information:Age: 34 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, this cannot rule out the possibility of infection. Guide and suggestion: This situation cannot be treated blindly. It is recommended to go to the hospital for.. Read More

What kind of new story does BOSS direct hire want to tell?

Growth, continuity, and risk, three dimensions look at BOSS’s direct employment Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Outside, Outside and Inside” (ID: excel-ers), Authors: Chen Cheng, Yao Sha, Hu Tinglang, Editor: Mu Mu, Fu Xiaoling. Recently, BOSS directly hired and submitted a prospectus. What is the prospect of the specific industry? How do companies compete? This article attempts to conduct a comprehensive analysis. If there is.. Read More

The Shanghai in the TV series turned out to be real, but now it is fake

This article is from WeChat official account:Shanghai Citizens’ Living Guide (ID: SHerLife), Author: Han Xiaoni, head picture from: “The Golden Years” Shanghai has never lacked the depiction of TV dramas. In the 1990s, “Sixteen-year-old Flower Season”, “Indebtedness”, “Children’s Love”, and “The War of Capturing Sons”… a series of realistic serials recorded the style and social issues of Shanghai at that time. In the new century, especially in recent years, Shanghai.. Read More

Savior Huawei

All the hardships of a listed company? Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Zooming Light” (ID: guokr233), author: Big Sheep, editor: Chen Manlei, and ordinary sauce. Before the end of April this year, there is a high probability that you have never heard of the car brand “Cyrus”; to put it simply, this fake foreign devil brand originated from the 33-year-old car-making “old force” well-off shares.. Read More

Xiabuxiabu, why can’t you catch the young man’s stomach?

This article is from WeChat official account:Leopard change (ID: baobiannews)< span class="text-remarks">, author: Liu Xia, editor: Liu Yang, head picture from: Visual China Xiabuxiabu, a small hot pot once loved by young people, is experiencing the “darkest moment”. In more than a month, Xiabuxiabu experienced two high-level changes in succession. First, Zhang Zhenwei, the CEO of Coco, a subsidiary of the brand, resigned in mid-April, and then on May 21,.. Read More

Bleeding during non-menstrual period. I went to the hospital for an examination. I also took a vaginal color Doppler ultrasound. The doctor said no

Problem description: I went to the hospital for an examination and took a vaginal color Doppler ultrasound. The doctor said that there was no problem. There was a band, but there was always slight bleeding. Pink and brown alternated. This did not happen before. Happening. Question date:2020-12-15 Patient information:Age: 28 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, I am your doctor. I will show it to you. It will take some.. Read More

The child is 42 days today, the pimple on his face in the last two days, the temperature in the room is high

Problem description: The child has had a pimple on his face for 42 days today. It will become red when the temperature in the room is high, and it will feel prickly. Could you please find out what the pimple is? What medicine is used to treat?Question date:2020-12-15 Patient information:Age: Gender: Question analysis: This situation is fine. Belongs to the manifestation of miliary rash. It is caused by blockage of.. Read More