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The nails of the thumbs of both hands are gray, but the other nails are also a little gray but not obvious

Problem description: The thumb nails of both hands are gray but the other nails are also a little gray but not obvious.Date of the problem:2021-02-23 < b>Patient information:Age: 27 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: In this case, you need to check your blood routine. Is there any possibility of anemia? Guide and suggestion: When the time comes, I personally suggest that the patient can go to see a Chinese medicine.. Read More

Is it possible to repair fingernails?

Problem description: Is it possible to repair fingernails? Question date:2021-02-23 Patient information:Age: Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: b>According to the picture you provided, in this case, I don’t know if the patient has traumatic problems when he comes back. Guide and suggestion: Once this kind of situation is injured, generally it will not be completely recovered. I personally recommend that the patient observe it first. Recommendations are for reference only. If the.. Read More

I’m 18 years old, I haven’t had menstruation yet, my breasts are small, and my nipples have not grown

Problem description: I’m 18 years old, I haven’t had menstruation yet, my chest is small, and my nipples have not developed much. I went to the hospital and the doctor said that the liver is not good and the blood is insufficient. What is going on?Question date:2021-02-23 Patient information:Age: 18 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: b>Hello, according to your description, this situation is abnormal, so this situation still needs to.. Read More

1.16 The last menstruation, 2.16 test paper measured two bars, 2.18

Problem description: 1.16 last menstruation, 2.16 test paper measured two bars, No. 2.18 hcg189., No. 2.20 hcg419., No. 2.23 hcg2276. Progesterone 67.82.23 for B ultrasound, nothing, The intima is thickened, and my menstruation is sometimes early and sometimes delayed for less than five days. Is this normal? How many numbers do I suggest to do a B-ultrasound again? Question date:2021-02-23 Patient information:Age: 23 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according.. Read More

National Standing Committee: Stabilize the production capacity of live pigs and use market-oriented methods to ease the fluctuations in the “pig cycle”

Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on July 28 to deploy further reforms and improvements in the management of scientific research funding from the central government, giving scientific researchers greater funding management autonomy; determining measures to stabilize pig production, promoting stable supply and price stability, and enhancing safe pork supply Guarantee capacity. The meeting pointed out that in accordance with.. Read More

Hello Professor Wang, I have been suffering from gallstones for 14 years without obvious symptoms and pain

Problem description: Hello Professor Wang, I have been suffering from gallstones for 14 years. I have no obvious symptoms, no pain, multiple stones, two stones, worried about cancer, should the gallbladder be removed? Recently, I heard that there are gallbladder preservation surgery, which kind of treatment should be used? Thanks! Question date:2021-02-23 Patient information:Age: 69 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your description, in this case, if cholecystitis.. Read More

When I go to bed at night, my waist is trembling and my abdomen is tight. What’s the matter?

Problem description: When I go to bed at night, my waist trembles and my abdomen becomes tight. What’s the matter? Date of the problem:2021-02-23 Patient information:Age: 28 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, according to your description, this situation does not rule out neuromuscular problems, resulting in In this situationGuide and suggestion: It is recommended that if the symptoms are obvious in this situation, you can consider local appropriate hot compress.. Read More

Does the transaminase high 331 need to be checked?

Problem description: Why do I need to check if the transaminase is high 331? Question date:2021-02-23 Patient information:Age: 40 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your description, this situation is considered to have liver function abnormalities, and treatment needs to be considered.Guidelines: It is recommended that this situation need to consider using some spleen and stomach For example, the use of compound glycyrrhizin injection, and in this case,.. Read More

Penis and PC muscles are not, PC muscle pain

Problem description: May I have a long time flow of pornographic videos, my penis has been erected for a long time, and now it causes discomfort in the PC muscles, what medicine can I take to relieve the pain? Question date:2021-02-23 Patient information:Age: 24 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your description, if the pain is severe in this situation, then you can consider using some painkillers for.. Read More