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The role and efficacy of wolfberry

Question description: The role and efficacy of wolfberry fruitQuestion date:2020-12-14 Patient information:Age : Gender: The nature of wolfberry is relatively mild, and it can be used to soak in water to drink, and it can have the effect of clearing the liver and improving the goal. It can be drunk with medlar soaked in water alone, or it can be taken together with cassia and chrysanthemum. Due to the warm.. Read More

Facilitate the opening of accounts for mobile employment groups: banks shall not ask for unreasonable identity verification requirements

In the face of some migrant employment groups who need to produce various certification documents when opening an account in a bank, and there are problems such as difficulty in opening an account with a personal salary card, the central bank has provided a solution. On September 30, the People’s Bank of China issued the “Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Personal Bank Account Services for Mobile Employment.. Read More

What are the functions and effects of wolfberry

Question description:What are the functions and effects of Chinese wolfberry?Question date:2020-12-26 Patient information:Age: Gender: Goji berry is a relatively common Chinese medicine, which itself contains high nutrients, including carotene, and various vitamins required by the human body. Calcium and iron are also very rich. Generally, you can put some in the stew, which can increase the nutrition of the food. The function of wolfberry is not only the excitement of.. Read More

The effect of wolfberry

Question description:The effect of wolfberry fruitQuestion date:2020-12-02 Patient information:Age: Gender : Goji berry is a very common Chinese medicinal material, which can enhance one’s own resistance and nourish the liver and kidney. It has a good effect on the body’s sore waist and knees, spermatorrhea, dizziness and other diseases. At the same time, it can also achieve the effect of nourishing the middle and replenishing qi. For the fatigue caused.. Read More

The efficacy and role of wolfberry

Problem description:The efficacy and function of wolfberry fruitQuestion date:2020-12-30 Patient information:Age : Gender: 1. Anti-fatty liver function. Fatty liver has become a common disease. If the symptoms of fatty liver are not alleviated for a long time, it may lead to diabetes. The damage will be even greater. Taking a little wolfberry every day can prevent the occurrence of fatty liver. Second, it can nourish blood and soothe the nerves,.. Read More

The efficacy and contraindications of wolfberry

Problem description: The efficacy and contraindications of wolfberry fruitQuestion date: 2020-12-01 Patient information: Age: Gender: In actual clinical practice, the main effect of wolfberry fruit is to nourish the kidney, nourish the essence, and nourish the liver and eyesight. In practice, it is usually used to treat various symptoms of kidney deficiency and spermatorrhea caused by kidney deficiency and other reasons. In addition, it also has a certain effect on.. Read More

Can wolfberry lower blood sugar?

Question description: Can wolfberry fruit lower blood sugar?Question date:2020-12-25 Patient information:Age : Gender: Lycium barbarum contains polysaccharides, which is a water-soluble polysaccharide. The main components are arabinan, galactose, mannose, glucose, xylose and sugar alcohol, etc., which have relatively strong physiological activity. , Help to improve the body’s immunity, achieve anti-aging, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, anti-radiation and other effects. The basic principle of lycium barbarum for lowering blood sugar is that lycium barbarum.. Read More

Does wolfberry nourish the kidney?

Question description:Does wolfberry nourish the kidney?Question date:2020-12-10 Patient information:Age: Gender : Goji berry has the effect of invigorating the kidney and can effectively improve sexual performance. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, wolfberry is mainly attributed to the liver, kidney, and lung meridians, so it has a good effect on the liver, kidney, and lungs. It can nourish the liver and kidney, help improve the sexual function of men.. Read More

What are the effects and functions of wolfberry root?

Question description: What are the functions and effects of wolfberry root? Question date:2020-12-11 Patient information:Age: Gender: Goji berry root is a very common Chinese herbal medicine. Its medicinal value is also very high. Lycium barbarum root can mainly treat the symptoms of fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, lung heat, cough and asthma. It can not only cure diseases but also has a tonic effect. It can be used for a.. Read More

Can wolfberry be eaten after soaking in water?

Question description:Can wolfberry be eaten after soaking in water?Question date:2020-12-18 Patient information: b>Age: Sex: Drink with wolfberry soaked in water, only part of the effective substance is dissolved, and some of the effective substances cannot be completely dissolved. After the wolfberry is soaked in water and drunk, the wolfberry should be eaten together to fully absorb the nutrition and effective ingredients of the wolfberry. Lycium barbarum is rich in nutrition.. Read More