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What are the benefits of medlar soaking in water

Question description:What are the benefits of medlar soaking in water?Question date:2020-12-14 Patient information: Age: Gender: Goji berry is a health product that we often use in our lives, and many people often use it to soak in water. Lycium barbarum is rich in vitamin C, lycium barbarum polysaccharides, carotene, vitamin E, and flavonoids and other antioxidant substances. Therefore, regular soaking of wolfberry water can have the effect of beautifying, delaying.. Read More

What are the effects and functions of wolfberry soaking in water?

Question description: What are the effects and functions of wolfberry soaking in water? Question date:2020-12-22 Patient information:Age: Gender: The effect and effect of wolfberry soaking in water is mainly OK Delay aging, and can also play a role in eliminating free radicals in the body. Drinking wolfberry soaked water regularly can also play a nourishing effect on liver and kidney. Secondly, it also has a purpose-clearing effect. For patients with.. Read More

The correct way to soak wolfberry in water

Problem description: The correct way to soak wolfberry in waterQuestion date:2020-12-18 Patient information: Age: Gender: Goji berry is a kind of medicinal material that supplements both food and medicine. It can be used as medicine or dietary therapy. Soaking wolfberry in water is a health maintenance method that everyone loves. It can not improve the taste, but also can nourish blood and nourish qi, anti-aging and anti-oxidation. It is not.. Read More

What are the benefits of soaking wolfberry in water

Question description:What are the benefits of soaking wolfberry in water?Question date:2020-12-17 Patient information:Age : Gender: Lycium barbarum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Its nature and taste are bitter and astringent. It has the functions of nourishing liver and kidney, dispelling wind and improving eyesight, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing heat and detoxification, and beautifying. Correspondingly, wolfberry is usually used to treat the symptoms of liver and.. Read More

Analysis|Manufacturing PMI fell into a contraction zone after 19 months, non-manufacturing rebounded

On September 30, data released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that the purchasing manager index (PMI) of the manufacturing industry in September was 49.6%, which fell below the prosperity and decline line, the previous value was 50.1%; the non-manufacturing business activity index in September was 53.2 %, rose above the prosperity and decline line, the previous value was 47.5%; the comprehensive PMI output index in September was 51.7%,.. Read More

What is the remedy for the whole body pain during menopause?

Problem description: What is the remedy for menopausal body pain? Question date:2020-12-21 Patient information:Age: Gender: In menopause, it will be mainly 45~55 years old The clinical symptoms mainly include flushing of the facial skin, headache, dizziness, and paresthesias of unknown cause, followed by symptoms of fever and chest tightness. When women enter menopause, they are physically and psychologically. There will also be changes. The main manifestation is menopause when physiologically,.. Read More

What medicine should I take for menopausal sweating?

Problem description:What kind of medicine should I take during menopause?Question date:2020-12-12 Patient information:Age : Gender: Menopausal women will experience sweating, mostly due to the fluctuation of sex hormones in the body during menopause. Everyone’s situation is different, and the degree of sweating is also different. Generally, when the symptoms are mild, there is no need to take medication. If the symptoms of sweating are more serious, you can take some.. Read More

How to regulate menopausal sweating

Problem description:How to treat menopausal sweatingQuestion date:2020-12-22 Patient information:Age: Gender: In recent years, due to excessive pressure, the age of women suffering from menopause has been significantly earlier. Most menopausal patients are caused by the apparently weakened ovarian function and hormone secretion in the body. Pay attention to relaxation in daily life, don’t put yourself under too much pressure, and eat as light as possible. Through the above methods, it.. Read More

What is the cause of body pain during menopause

Problem description: What is the cause of the body pain during menopause?Date of the problem: 2020-12-29 Patient information: Age: Gender: Women in menopause have a series of changes involving multiple systems due to changes in hormones in the body. Common clinical manifestations include menopausal syndromes such as hot flashes, night sweats, body pain, and poor mood. Systemic pain is mainly due to the decrease of estrogen secretion, which leads to.. Read More

What are the symptoms of menopause

Problem description:What are the symptoms of menopause?Question date:2020-12-02 Patient information:Age: Gender: Menopause is a very important period. During menopause, many women will have some uncomfortable symptoms, but there are big differences in the symptoms of each person. The main manifestation is menstrual disorders, mainly irregular menstruation around the period, the duration of the period varies, and the amount of menstrual blood fluctuates. There may be transient flushing and fever on.. Read More