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What’s the way to face flat

Problem description: My face is too flat, not very full, so the whole face looks ugly. How can I get a flat face? Question date: 2021-06-12 Patient information: Age: 23 Gender: FemaleFace is flat, you can take stuffing Way of treatment. If the face is particularly flat, it looks like a card with special facial features, without a three-dimensional effect. Most of them can be improved by filling them with.. Read More

What to do if the face is flat

Problem description: Your face is a relatively flat type, which leads to the lack of three-dimensional features. If you want to change the shape of your face, what should you do if your face is flat? Date of the question:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 32 Gender: FemaleHyaluronic acid injection is generally acceptable for face flatness Method The filling method is improved to make the contour of the face look fuller. Hyaluronic acid.. Read More

What to do if the face is flat

Problem description: I am very dissatisfied with my face. My face is too flat and does not feel full. I want to make my face rounder. What should I do if my face is flat? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: FemaleFace can be treated with surgery or fat Fill to improve. The face is too flat and looks a bit unsightly, and it can be filled with fat to.. Read More

Can I get a moisturizer if I have acne on my face?

Problem description: Recently, I often have some acne on my face. I want to get a moisturizer to improve it. Can I get a hydrating shot if I have acne on my face? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 35 Gender: FemaleI can’t get acne on my face You need to look at the essence of the skin before getting the water light injection. Acne may be caused by inflammation and infection.. Read More

Can I get a moisturizer if I have acne on my face?

Problem description: I have oily skin and often have some acne on my face. Recently, I want to get a water injection treatment. Can I get a water injection if I have acne on my face? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 34 Gender: FemaleI can’t get acne on my face Water and light acupuncture treatment may cause skin damage or infection. Acne on the skin needs to be checked in a.. Read More

Can I get a hydrating shot if I have acne on my face?

Problem description: Recently, I have a lot of acne on my face. I have to go to a medical and aesthetic institution to get a water injection. Can I get a water injection if I have acne on my face? Date of the question:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 35 Gender: FemaleThe face can grow acne Get a water injection, but wait until the acne recovers before you can inject it. Not all.. Read More

How long to wear the body shaper after breast augmentation

Problem description: I went to the hospital for a prosthetic augmentation surgery some time ago. I heard from a friend that I need to wear a corset. How long should I wear a corset after breast augmentation? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: FemaleOne month after prosthesis breast augmentation After about two months, the shapewear needs to be determined according to the effect of the shape. After prosthesis breast augmentation.. Read More

How long to wear the body shaper after breast augmentation

Problem description: I am not particularly satisfied with my breasts. I went to the hospital for breast implants two days ago. How long do I wear shapewear after breast implants? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: FemaleGenerally need to wear prosthesis after breast augmentation Shapewear for one to two months, but the details vary from person to person. Breast augmentation surgery is a relatively common cosmetic surgery that can effectively.. Read More

How long do you wear shapewear after breast augmentation?

Problem description: It has been half a month since I finished breast implants. I have been wearing shapewear recently. How long do I wear shapewear after breast implants? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 32 Gender: FemaleIt is usually necessary to wear a prosthesis after breast augmentation Shapewear takes about 3 to 6 months, but the specific time is not certain, because everyone’s physique is different, so there will be a big.. Read More

How long do you wear shapewear after breast augmentation?

Problem description: My breast is very small, so I have a prosthetic breast augmentation. It has been a week now. I want to wear a body shaper. How long will I wear a body shaper after breast augmentation? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 37 Gender: FemaleGenerally after breast augmentation You need to wear shapewear for three to six months, but the length of time should be based on the individual’s physique… Read More