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Girls with mustaches on their faces, what ordinary methods can be used to remove them

Problem description: Girls have a mustache, which affects the overall image. Is there any practical way to remove it? Question date:2021-06-13 Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: FemaleMaybe because of high male hormones It is recommended to do six sex hormone tests. Laser hair removal treatment is also available. It may be related to the higher levels of androgens in the body. Pay attention to conditioning, first of all, pay attention to.. Read More

Some farmhouses have become “farmers’ worries”: one side of a thousand villages, strong commercial atmosphere, and poor infrastructure

In recent years, the continuous development of rural tourism has played a significant role in driving poverty alleviation, retaining the rural population, and improving the living environment. However, while various regions followed the trend of launching rural tourism projects, due to improper planning and lack of operation and management talents in some local rural tourism, the phenomenon of one thousand villages and uneven service levels did not attract tourists, wasted.. Read More

Girls with mustaches on their faces, what ordinary methods can be used to remove them

Problem description: When I was looking in the mirror, I found that there are a lot of mustaches on my face. I want to use ordinary methods to remove them. What ordinary methods can I use to remove the mustaches on girls’ faces? Question date:2021-06-13 Patient information:Age: 20 Gender: FemaleGirls with mustaches on their faces The hair removal cream can be removed by ordinary methods, and it can also be.. Read More

What is the ordinary way to remove the mustache on the face of a girl

Problem description: When I was putting on makeup, I found that I had a mustache. I want to remove the mustache. What ordinary methods can I use to remove the mustache on the face of a girl? Question date:2021-06-13 Patient information:Age: 20 Gender: FemaleGirls with mustaches on their faces Remove the hair removal cream in ordinary ways, and you can also choose some medical beauty items for treatment. The hair.. Read More

Can a mask be applied after pulsed laser?

Problem description: I have a lot of spots on my face. Yesterday I went to the hospital for a pulsed laser, and there were some burns. Can I apply a mask after the pulsed laser? Question date:2021-06-13 Patient information:Age: 26 Gender: FemaleIt is generally not possible after pulsed laser If you apply the mask, you need to wait a week or two before you can apply the mask. Pulsed laser.. Read More

Can a mask be applied after pulsed laser?

Problem description: My face has some chloasma formation, which is being treated by pulsed laser. Can I apply a mask after pulsed laser? Question date:2021-06-13 Patient information:Age: 42 Gender: FemalePulse laser is generally not available in a short time Apply a mask, usually it takes about 1 to 2 weeks to recover, you can use the mask. The high-energy heat generated by the pulsed laser will form a certain wavelength,.. Read More

Can I apply a mask after pulsed laser?

Problem description: I just went to the hospital for pulse laser treatment a few days ago. After the treatment, my skin was a little dry. I want to apply a mask. Can I apply a mask after the pulse laser? Question date:2021-06-13 Patient information:Age: 38 Gender: FemaleA mask can be applied after pulsed laser. But you need to choose a medical mask. Pulsed laser is mainly used to treat melanin.. Read More

Can I apply a mask after pulsed laser?

Problem description: I did a pulsed laser in the hospital, because there are so many spots on my face, it has bothered me for too long. I would like to ask if I can apply a mask after the pulsed laser? Question date:2021-06-13 Patient information:Age: 31 Gender: FemaleAfter laser treatment, a short time You can start applying the mask. Compared with other non-invasive lasers, picosecond lasers have higher power. Although.. Read More

What methods can be used to remove stains and sunburns on the face

Problem description: The summer is really sad. The spots on my face last summer haven’t gone down yet, this year they have come. May I ask how to remove stains and sunburns on my face? Question date:2021-06-13 Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: FemaleThe best way is to use Laser and sunburn are skin pigmentation caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight. Laser sunburn removal is a method of eliminating pigment spots by.. Read More

What methods can be used to remove stains and sunburns on the face

Description of the problem: I am young, but I have a lot of stains and sunburns on my face. How can I remove stains and sunburns on my face? Date of question:2021-06-13 Patient information:Age: 20 Gender: FemaleSpotted and sunburned face , Generally can only be removed by medical beauty methods, such as laser freckle. Laser freckle removal is a commonly used method for freckle removal. It mainly uses the unique.. Read More