This article is from WeChat official account:There is a university (ID: youjian-university), author: Yang Songsong, edit: long johns, layout: A pie, title figure from: vision China

After the college entrance examination in 2020 is over, there will be a “ice and fire” enrollment status for teachers majors:

The number of students enrolling in general teacher-training majors has risen again. The enrollment ranks of teachers majoring in many schools have increased accordingly, and the enrollment ranks of teachers majoring in Zhejiang Normal University have increased by more than 3000 places.

On the contrary,Many public-funded teacher students have “broken files”-among the admissions approved in advance in Henan, there are a total of 776 public-funded teacher students from 5 universities For vacant places, Guangxi public-sponsored normal school students need to be admitted with a reduced score, and public-sponsored normal students from universities in many provinces need to recruit volunteers.

Public-funded teacher students refer to teachers who enjoy public-funded education for normal students. Students who apply for publicly funded normal school students sign an agreement with the Ministry of Education in advance. During their stay in school, the central government will be responsible for the arrangement of tuition and accommodation fees, and the payment of living allowances. However, after four years of graduation, students must fulfill their educational obligations, return to the province where they were born, and engage in education for at least six years, and no postgraduate entrance examinations during the agreement period.

The renewed popularity of ordinary teacher-training majors has been somewhat affected by this year’s epidemic——The “iron rice bowl” of teachers’ self-organized establishments seems invaluable in the turbulent workplace environment of the epidemic. The teaching profession has once again become a sweet pastry in people’s eyes.

But when it comes to devoting a lifetime to education, people may not have made up their minds. The upset of publicly-funded teacher students is proof.

1. From rushing to the bottom, the teacher major has gone through more than 100 years in China

In fact, when the teacher major was first born, every teacher student was a publicly funded teacher student.

In 1897, Sheng Xuanhuai opened Nanyang Public School, first recruiting normal students and establishing a normal college. This is the earliest new type of normal school in modern China, marking the beginning of Chinese normal education.

The normal students at that time received the highest level of education, and at the same time they also enjoyed the generous treatment of free tuition and allowance.

(old) Nanyang Public School main entrance. Figure/wikimedia

All kinds of benefits are only for training talents and promoting new education. If you get it, you must have feedback. The then “Excellent Normal School Regulations” clearly stipulated: “The graduates of the Excellent Normal School Classification Department are obligated to effectively contribute to the education ministry of the province and the country.“ p>

The specific period is 6 years. The first 2 years must perform government-appointed services, and the next 4 years are freely chosen educational services. This is very similar to today’s publicly funded teacher student system.

Although it has gone through ups and downs, until after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the teacher-training major was still one of the most valued and favored disciplines. During the planned economy period, teachers majoring in education were the first choice for many students when applying for the exam.

Ms. Li, a rural teacher who started to teach in the 1970s, has been given preferential treatment because of his status as a normal secondary school student. “At that time, the students who went to the normal school were the best. So when the village committee wanted to build a primary school, I was the first to ask. Although the salary was not high, the teacher was the most respected profession at that time.”

Mr. Li’s village elementary school started with only one thatched shed. Figure/pexels

However, with the advancement of education reform, since the 1990s, the integrated development of traditional high-level key normal universities has become the norm. In 1986, the State Council promulgated the “Interim Regulations on the Establishment of Regular Higher Education Institutions”, which further promoted the transformation of domestic universities to comprehensive universities.

Beijing Normal University is the first major normal university to eat transformational crabs. In 2001, Beijing Normal University proposed in its “Tenth Five-Year Development Plan Outline” to “realize the transformation of Beijing Normal University into a research university with educational science as its main feature.”

For this reason, Beijing Normal University has carried out the transformation of discipline structure, professional setting and talent training system.

On the basis of maintaining the advantages of traditional disciplines, carry out structural adjustments of disciplines, increase applied disciplines, emerging disciplines and interdisciplinary disciplines that meet the needs of the society; try out the new “4+x” talent training system reform plan, and get rid of it fundamentally The school-running philosophy and paradigm of traditional higher normal schools have been transformed into the new track of “university + teacher training”, which is common in international teacher education.

Beijing Normal University. Figure/wikimedia Flsxx

After Beijing Normal University, normal universities across the country have also stepped onto the track of transformation. Under the wave, “normal education” shows a weakening trend. The enrollment ratio of normal students in many normal schools has decreased, even lower than that of non-teacher students.

From 2016 to 2018, in addition to Northeast Normal University, Shaanxi Normal University, Hangzhou Normal University and many other normal universities, the proportion of normal graduates in the total number of undergraduate graduates each year was below 50%; some only accounted for There are about 30% or even lower.

At the same time, the entrance to the teaching profession has expanded. In 2015, the teacher qualification examination reform will no longer distinguish the difference between teacher students and non-teacher students. If you want to be a teacher, you must participate in the country Only after unified examination can apply for teacher qualification certificate.

In 2020, the number of teachers for the teacher qualification examination will reach 5.9 million, of which 4.36 million are non-teacher applicants, accounting for 74% of the total. Figure /Pixabay

The disappearance of special preferential treatment, coupled with the stagnation of professional treatment of teachers in recent years, and the pressure brought by the constant smearing of teachers’ image by public opinion, have gradually brought down the already popular teacher-training majors.

The misunderstandings such as “Master can only be a teacher, have no future”, “We have five grains of food in my family, and I should not be the king of children”.

Second, normal students are not as good as you think, and not as bad as he thinks

The coldness of the teacher education profession and even the teaching profession has not extinguished the enthusiasm of the teachers. On campus, teaching and educating people is still the first choice for most normal students after graduation.

According to the 2018 graduate employment quality reports of many normal colleges and universities, the proportion of graduates from Shaanxi Normal University who went to elementary and middle school education was the highest, reaching 68.5%; followed by Northeast Normal University graduates who went to junior high school The proportion of education units is as high as 65.6%.

Luo Luo, who majored in English Teacher Training at South China Normal University, is doing graduation internship. Her employment goals are very clear –After graduation, she will return home to teach.

She already has lecture experience, she thinks teaching and educating people is a very fulfilling thing: “After the class, the students said to me,’Teacher, I think you have taught well.’ I feel like myself I feel very happy.”

If you fight for higher education, what are the advantages of normal students? Picture/unsplash

Compared with non-teacher students, normal students have more obvious advantages in entering the education industry.

Xiao Luo believes that the teacher skills training that normal students receive in the school system can make them better in the assessment. “The teacher training course will encourage students to “grind the lesson”, pick out the details of each class, and continue to improve. If non-teacher students do not have part-time institutional teachers, there may be fewer opportunities to improve teacher skills.”

But even so, the fierce competition in the education industry still puts tremendous pressure on teacher students-the unique double long vacation and stable establishment of the teaching profession make many non-teacher students also flood into the education industry job market .

According to the “National Report on Employment Trends in Private Education for Normal Graduates(2019), in the past 3 years, the employment intention is the new year of the private education industry Among the students, the total number of fresh graduates from non-teaching colleges and universities accounted for 44%.

As the number of competitors increases, the requirements of recruiters are constantly increasing. At the end of last year, the First Affiliated High School of Central China Normal University recruited 9 teachers. Tsinghua University and Peking University started off and attracted attention. The 9 selected teachers are all non-teacher students.

Also attracting attention is the result of the 2020 school recruitment of Shenzhen Nanwai Senior High School.The resumes of the publicity staff were gleaming, which made people think that they had mistakenly entered the awards ceremony of Tsinghua and Peking University’s outstanding graduates.

Shenzhen Nanwai Senior High School’s 2020 recruitment list.

When academic qualifications gradually become the primary hard indicator, the competitive advantage of normal students in skills gradually weakens.

Xiao Cen, a recent graduate of English teacher training, has already felt this pressure. During the autumn recruitment period, she participated in a number of recruitment fairs for public high schools in Shenzhen. There was a gathering of talents and fresh graduates from various prestigious schools competed on the same stage. The interview field became a speech contest.

In addition to established public schools, the competition for outstanding non-established private schools is also fierce. Job fairs are held in all normal universities across the country, but almost all of them are crowded with job-seeking students from all over the world.

Under the tense employment pressure, Xiao Cen still did not give up his educational ideals, “first try to enter the establishment, if not, go to the private sector, if not, go to the training institution.”

At the beginning of the month, Xiao Cen made a special trip to Shaanxi Normal University to participate in the job fair. The scene was full of enthusiasm. Just waiting in line for the interview, she waited for two or three hours. Entering the final scene with her are graduate students from Beijing Normal University, Shaanxi Normal University, South China Normal University, and fresh graduates from prestigious universities such as Wuhan University.

In the end, Xiao Cen passed five levels and cut six generals and won the offer. But because she was too tired after a day of running around, her excitement turned into sleepiness when she reached the airport bus. She went to sleep peacefully.

Three, jump out of the “siege”

Xiao Su, also a recent graduate, made another choice. She is preparing for the 2022 financial major—her initial ideal is to study finance, but because of the failure of the college entrance examination, she is the mostFollow the advice of his family to study teacher training.

However, after two years of study, Xiaosu found that she was not interested in the teaching profession. In the next semester of junior year, she decided to cross the exam in finance to continue her studies.

It is not uncommon for people to be born as a teacher and not to work in the education industry. Even during their studies, normal students can change their majors to study non-teacher majors. After studying for a teacher’s major, the way forward is not necessarily “seeing the head at a glance.”

“East China Normal University’s Employment Quality in 2019” shows that in addition to publicly funded normal students, the proportion of graduates in other industries has reached almost 80%. The employment direction of normal students is more diversified. Whether or not they graduate to engage in education is not a mandatory requirement, but a personal choice.

Excerpts from “East China Normal University Employment Quality in 2019”

Even publicly-funded teacher students can also terminate the service contract by transferring majors or paying liquidated damages and find another way out. The termination of the service contract will not affect future employment and work. On Zhihu, there are a lot of answers related to the termination of the contract for publicly-funded normal students, and many respondents have successfully taken public examinations or entered enterprises to work.

Looking through the answers of these respondents, you can find that the word “family” appears quite frequently among them.

Many respondents mentioned that they originally did not want to apply for publicly funded teacher students, but they all gave in under the “bewitching” or “coercion” of their parents. One of the anonymous respondent (hereinafter referred to as “Xiao Ni”) is the second free teacher student born under the wishes of his family.

She bluntly said that she was only “accepting destiny” when she studied in teacher training major. In order to get rid of this fate, Xiao An saved three years of salary after graduation to terminate the contract. During this period, he experienced 3 failed postgraduate entrance examinations and 1 unsuccessful love affair. Now, she has started her PhD career, enjoying her new life “painfully and happily”.

Not only publicly-funded normal students, but ordinary normal students also apply for normal professional courses based on their parents rather than their own wishes.

After Xiao Cen’s father learned that she had passed by the ideal college, he immediately asked her to apply for a teacher-training major, using standard speech skills—to be a teacher “stable”, “winter and summer vacation”, “acceptance” People respect” and “suitable for girls”, and they can also “make a small kitchen to earn subsidies.”

Based on Xiao Cen’s score, South China Normal University was the best choice in Guangdong Province. The family tried their best to discourage her from leaving the province. In the end Xiao Cen chose to compromise.

Recalling the original decision now, Xiao Cen felt that he was “too naive. I am not clear about my career plan, so I don’t hate being a teacher, and I like English, so I just reported it.”

She was lucky. In the process of learning and practicing, she found that her personality was very suitable for the teaching profession, and she also developed a deeper and deeper love for teaching. This made her finally accept her major and decided to teach.

Professionals and careers are destined to work harder than the original path. Figure/pexels

For normal students like Xiao Su and Xiao Ni who have never been able to fall in love with the normal profession, they have to spend more time and money if they want to break out of the “siege” of normal education.

Douban user “Fei Xia” issues a question as soon as he comes up in the experience sharing post “If you want to apply for a publicly funded normal student, you can read this article first”:

“An 18-year-old ordinary Chinese student, with zero social experience, zero internship experience, or even knowing what he likes or what he is suitable for, dares to choose a directional, fixed-post major, knowing that he has graduated at least 6 Do you want to go back to your hometown to be a teacher or teach for life in the next year? Can you really give yourself a definite answer?”

This question does require all students who are at a loss, and it also requires careful consideration by all parents who are trying to give advice.

Reference materials:

21st Century Business Herald, where did the normal graduates go? Being a primary and middle school teacher is the mainstream, but the choices are far more abundant than imagined

Qingta, the “rice bowl” of normal colleges is not guaranteed? Comprehensive universities should also train normal students

Duan Runhan, A Brief Analysis of the Teacher Education Tuition System in the “New Deal” Period in the Late Qing Dynasty

Zhong Binglin, Normal University Transformation and Higher Normal Education Trends

Wanxing Teacher Talent Network, National Normal University Graduates Private Education Employment Trend Report (2019)

This article is from WeChat official account:Some universities (ID: youjian-university) , author: Yang Songsong, edit: long johns, layout: A cake