Problem description: I have just detected high blood pressure, can I stop taking antihypertensive drugs for the first time?
Question date:2020-09-13
Patient information: Age: 39 Gender: Female
Can’t stop taking antihypertensive drugs for the first time Medicine will cause the blood pressure to rise again.
The first time you take antihypertensive drugs, you cannot stop the medication. In order to ensure the normal blood pressure, high blood pressure must be maintained. Therefore, once the antihypertensive drugs are stopped, the blood pressure will rise again, and the fluctuation of the blood pressure will increase. In this way, the damage to arteries and blood vessels will be aggravated, leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, antihypertensive drugs cannot be stopped at will.
It is recommended to regularly monitor changes in blood pressure, seek medical treatment in time if blood pressure is too high or too low, and adjust antihypertensive drugs at any time. If the effect of lowering blood pressure is not good, it can be used in combination. ?
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection