Problem description: Have a history of masturbation 3 years ago, after the circumcision surgery, it has been this situation. The edge of the glans is slightly red, and there are white spots. Very sensitive. Just rubbing for a few seconds will ejaculate. It’s easy to ejaculate when the panties are pressed. How do you treat the doctor if there is any medicine? Thank you
Question date: 2020-09-20
Patient information: Age: 20 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: Hello, the glans is sensitive and easy to ejaculate. Is there a long foreskin or phimosis? These two factors may also cause sensitivity, if any Otherwise, surgery can be actively performed to relieve sensitivity. If the foreskin is not too long and phimosis, then the threshold that innervates the glans sensory nerve is too low. This situation can lead to premature ejaculation, requiring dorsal nerve blocking surgery to cut off some of the nerves that innervate the glans, so as to reduce the sensitivity of the glans and prolong the time of sex.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended that you go to the hospital system to check. Generally, for such problems, first check the specific cause, and then treat the cause.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection