Problem description: I found high aldosterone during a comprehensive physical examination. I don’t know much about this. Is there any harm?
Question date:2020-09-22
Patient information:Age: 54 Sex: Male
High aldosterone harms high blood pressure Hypokalemia.
Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex globular zone. It mainly regulates water and salt metabolism. Aldosterone has the effect of retaining sodium and removing potassium. The main hazards of increased aldosterone are as follows: 1. Hypertension. Long-term increase in aldosterone, enhanced sodium retention, and excessive blood volume can easily cause hypertension, and the effect of conventional antihypertensive drugs is not obvious. 2. Hypokalemia. Aldosterone has the effect of promoting urinary potassium excretion, and hypokalemia can occur, and the clinical manifestations are muscle weakness, paroxysmal paralysis and even hypokalemic paralysis. Severe hypokalemia affects the cardiac respiratory muscles and can cause heartbeat and respiratory arrest. 3. Long-term low potassium can affect glucose metabolism and even diabetes. 4. Long-term hypokalemia can lead to hypokalemic nephropathy and urinary tract infections.
During treatment, you must pay attention to maintaining a good life pattern, not staying up late, not being overworked, not doing strenuous exercise, and not doing physical work. It is best to stay in bed and save your energy when the condition is serious.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination