What is the reason for not having menstruation for a month and a half< /p>

Women who are in good health usually have menstruation on a fixed number of days each month. Generally, it will not be delayed for a week before and after, but some women have inaccurate menstruation time, and they will not have menstruation for one and a half months. Then what is the reason for not having menstruation for one and a half months?

If you don’t have menstruation for a month and a half, the first thing you suspect is pregnancy. If you have a normal sex life, you can check whether it’s an early pregnancy. It is best to use the morning urine for testing when buying test strips at the pharmacy. The results of the test at this time are relatively accurate. You can also go to the hospital for an ultrasound examination to determine whether you are pregnant.

If pregnancy is excluded, it is necessary to consider whether it is caused by gynecological diseases. At present, there are many gynecological diseases that can cause irregular menstruation. It is recommended to go to the gynecology department for treatment Routine examinations, after checking the cause, treat symptomatically. During treatment, you should pay attention to personal hygiene, change your underwear frequently, and also pay attention to your own nutritional intake. Sufficient nutrition can make the body recover quickly.

High pressure and mental stress can also cause delayed menstruation, or even delayed menstruation. You should always maintain a happy mood in your life. After stress, you should vent it out in time, properly relieve your own pressure and release your emotions, which is conducive to menstrual regulation.Rationale.