Can I drink honey lemonade during menstruation< /p>

Women’s body resistance is at a weak stage during menstruation, and women need to take some measures to protect themselves, otherwise they will easily get sick. In addition to choosing to keep warm in daily clothes, you can also make other choices on food to make yourself safe through your menstrual period. So, can I drink honey lemonade during menstruation?

During menstruation, you can drink honey lemonade. Fresh lemons are rich in vitamin C. These substances can increase the body’s immunity, just to supplement those with low menstrual resistance. Happening. At the same time, the rich organic acids such as niacin in lemonade also have a strong bactericidal effect and can resist the invasion of bacteria.

Honey is rich in carbohydrates. Women drinking honey water can help them replenish their physical strength, increase gastrointestinal motility, promote their own metabolism, and relieve fatigue. If you are not allergic to honey, you can eat honey during menstruation. To brew honey, you must use warm water, not cold.

When women choose lemon honey water, try not to drink iced water, so as not to stimulate the stomach and cause diarrhea and aggravate dysmenorrhea. But there is a category of people who cannot drink lemonade, that is, women with peptic ulcers. Even if honey lemonade is delicious, women must control the amount of drinking. After all, it is very inconvenient to urinate frequently during menstruation.