Problem description: Last night, I suddenly experienced itchiness all over my body. It may be caused by urticaria. Do I need to go to the emergency department when I wake up from urticaria in the middle of the night?
Date of problem:2020-10-15
Patient information:Age: 34 Sex: Male
Itching of urticaria in the middle of the night usually wakes up There is no need to go to the emergency room.
It can be treated with oral anti-allergic drugs under the doctor’s order, which can relieve itching and reduce the duration of the disease. Generally, emergency treatment is not required. Urticaria is usually caused by irritation from allergens. It may be related to eating allergic foods, or it may be caused by infections such as dust mites or bacteria.
After the itching of the skin occurs, it can be treated appropriately by cold compresses. Cold compresses can have a calming effect and help temporarily relieve itching. It can be cleaned by using a cooling and anti-itch lotion.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection