Problem description: There are keloids on my arm, which affects my normal appearance. I want to be treated. How much is the keloid treatment?
Question date: 2020-10-15
Patient information: Age: 23 Gender: Female
Keloid treatment generally requires 3000 to Around 5,000 yuan.
The specific cost cannot be determined. Different hospitals in different regions have different charging standards and prices. Different drugs used during the use period will also affect the cost. The specific situation varies from person to person. Mainly through medical treatment or surgical treatment, the main medicine is externally used to remove scars, and the operation can be through traditional surgery or minimally invasive surgery.
After choosing surgical treatment, you should closely observe the recovery of the wound and take the temperature measurement. If there is wound infection or fever, you need to go to the hospital for further review.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection