This article is from WeChat official account:Doctor Ding Xiang (ID: DingXiangYiSheng)< span class="text-remarks">, planning: jiu, producer: feidi, illustrator: Yun Xiaojun, source of head picture: “Rain Man”

We still have something to say about autism:

1. Autism is not uncommon. At present, it is not possible to pass pregnancy screening or prevent it in other ways.

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the incidence of autism has reached 1/54. In China, it is roughly estimated that there are at least 10 million people with autism.

At the same time, since the pathogenesis of autism is not yet clear, there is currently no clear and reliable prevention method and effective pregnancy screening.

In existing studies, older births, maternal metabolic diseases, obesity, high blood pressure, bacterial and viral infections, and certain drugs may be risk factors for disease.

2. When the following situations occur, you may need to seek the help of a professional doctor to screen your child.

Calling his name or speaking directly to him, he did not respond;

Does not use eye contact, facial expressions or physical communication;

Recurring stereotyped behaviors such as clapping hands and tiptoe;

Repetitive, meaningless self-talk;

There are obvious problems in social aspects…

3. Early screening for autism and early intervention are conducive to the recovery of patients.

Although the diagnosis of autism lacks physiological measurement indicators, we can still identify high-risk children with autism through certain characteristics.

American diseasesThe Center for Prevention and Control (CDC) pointed out that an experienced team of experts can already make a reliable diagnosis for 2-year-old children through scientific and systematic procedures.

Early screening and early intervention are also conducive to the improvement of symptoms and subsequent development of children with autism.

4. The social support for autism is far from enough.

According to statistics, although less than 1/3 of adult patients with autism lack self-care ability due to intelligence level and other reasons, 58%~78% have serious problems in independent living, education and work. problem.

According to Caixin, the employment rate of people with mental disabilities, including autism, is only 2% in China.

In other words, although many autistic patients are able to take on some jobs, they lack job opportunities and encounter social prejudice.

This is probably related to the serious lack of public awareness of autism. According to the survey, nearly 90% of the interviewees said that they did not know about autism or had just heard of it.

Today is World Autism Awareness Day.

We want to invite you to join us so that people with autism can become the protagonist today and to awaken more people’s attention to autism.

Reject discrimination and convey goodwill. There is really much we can do.

Reference source

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This article is from WeChat official account:Doctor DingXiang (ID: DingXiangYiSheng), planning: jiu, producer: feidi, illustrator: Yun Xiaojun, scientific review: Wang Ying, Wang Tengfei, Chen Hui, cooperating experts: Zheng Jiewei, this article is especially grateful to Mr. Chen Guanxing, Hangzhou Hushu School for their support.