Problem description: I have been in the South for half a year, and I felt a little bit around my testicles soon after I came here, mainly because it was itchy. I couldn’t help but scratch. But after going to the north for a few days, this state is no longer there. This is also because of stress, no rest, and irregular diet.
Question date:2020-11-09
Patient information:Age: 80 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, combined with the photo, it is considered to be scrotal eczema, which is also related to the humid weather in the south.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended that you can spray the scrotum area with Pinoxin spray, pay attention to regular life and diet, pay attention to personal hygiene, wear loose, comfortable and breathable pants, and eat light and oily , Avoid eating spicy food that stimulates frying.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection