Problem description: This week I experienced abdominal pain. When I went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor said that I had direnal calcinosis. Will direnal calcinoma cause lower abdomen pain?
Date of the problem:2020-10-31
Patient information:Age: 39 Gender: Female Lower abdomen pain.
Mainly calcium particles appear in the diverticulum of the renal calyx to form a suspension, which is a special type of urolithiasis. During an acute attack, it may cause pain and swelling in the lower abdomen. If you do heavy physical work or get too tired, your symptoms will aggravate. If the patient’s symptoms are more severe, surgery can be done to help relieve the symptoms.
During the recovery period, avoid eating greasy and fried foods and go to the hospital for review regularly. This is a rare disease. Before the operation, it is necessary to observe whether it is combined with other organ dysfunction.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection