Problem description: My husband has acute gastroenteritis and has been taking medicine for treatment. The doctor said that he should pay attention to his diet daily, otherwise he will have repeated attacks. What should I pay attention to when eating acute gastroenteritis?
Date of problem:2020-11-11
Patient information:Age: 37 Sex: Male
Acute gastroenteritis should pay attention to light diet .
In the early stage of the illness, eat more light and digestible foods in the diet, mainly liquid foods, such as millet porridge, thin noodles, etc., and drink some soup appropriately to prevent water ion disorders in the body phenomenon. Eating spicy, irritating and greasy foods can cause irritation to the stomach and intestines, leading to aggravated symptoms. Also can not eat unclean food.
If the food is rotten and spoiled, it can no longer be eaten to avoid bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract and other symptoms of discomfort. Maintain good eating habits during treatment.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection