Description of the problem: I have lumps after the operation of filling the nasolabial folds. I want to know if it is normal for the lumps filled with hyaluronic acid to fill the nasolabial folds?
Date of the question: 2020-11-15
Patient information: Age: 31 Gender: Female
Hyaluronic acid filling law lines with lumps are normal .
After the hyaluronic acid is filled, a bit of lumps will form, but under normal circumstances, the lumps should disappear in about two weeks. If the lumps are more serious, they can be relieved by hot compresses. Hot compresses can soften the lumps. Hyaluronic acid and Autologous fat filling can treat nasolabial folds, and you can choose according to your own situation.
After the hyaluronic acid filling the nasolabial folds, if you find any lumps, you can use ice or hot compresses to relieve it.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination