Problem description: I am uncomfortable and my condition is blurred. I went to a hospital in the county to check the doctor and said that I had brain myelinopathy. What is the manifestation of brain myelinopathy?
Question date:2020-11-18
Patient information:Age: 35 Gender: Male
Consciousness may appear in cerebral myelinopathy Obstacles, drowsiness and other phenomena.
Cerebral myelinopathy generally refers to the demyelination of white matter in the brain. The clinical manifestations are different according to the different demyelinating sites and different etiologies. The main manifestations include physical weakness or paralysis, slurred speech, urinary incontinence, and other stroke-like manifestations. And cerebral myelinopathy may cause disturbances of consciousness, such as decreased consciousness, confusion, or lethargy. In addition, some patients may experience unresponsiveness, and may experience a noticeable decrease in reaction speed and memory when communicating with others. Some patients may also experience cognitive dysfunction.
Suggestion: Positive and regular treatment is needed. The combined treatment of Chinese and Western medicine to improve the microcirculation, enhance the body’s immunity, have a light diet, and have a small, multi-meal, easy-to-digest diet.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection