Problem description: My son, two and a half years old, in the past half month, he would often tell me that his eyes hurt, and sometimes he rubbed his eyes after saying that. But he would often ask him if his eyes hurt, and he would say if it hurts. Before that, sometimes in order to soothe his emotions, let him watch the mobile phone or TV, sometimes if he is busy, let him watch the mobile phone or TV. The general duration will be half an hour to an hour. But since he first said that his eyes hurt, he no longer let him watch mobile TV, but now he still says his eyes hurt. It may be that in order to prevent him from watching cellphone TV, we often tell him that his eyes hurt when watching cellphone TV. There is a small black piece on the eyeball. It has been around for more than a year. It is not as obvious as before, and it is not as big as before.
Question date:2021-01-02
Patient information:Age: 2 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, consider the eye fatigue caused by children watching mobile TV.
Guide suggestion: This situation can be observed, shorten the time the child watches TV or try not to watch it. If there is no improvement, you can go to the hospital for an eye examination to clarify.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection