Problem description: Wisdom teeth hurt and my face is extremely swollen. Now I can’t go out to buy medicine in Shijiazhuang, and I don’t expect to see my teeth in the next few months. I want to ask how I need to relieve it first. When you can go out to buy medicine, what kind of medicine needs to be taken for relief.
Question date:2021-01-07
Patient information:Age: 28 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, it is recommended to use amoxicillin capsules, ornidazole and ibuprofen oral treatment under the guidance of a doctor to promote recovery and prevent symptoms from seriously affecting eating.
Guide suggestion: In the near future, pay attention to a light diet, gargle after meals, do not swallow, chew slowly, eat more liquid foods that are easy to digest and absorb vitamins, it is best Able to use compound chlorhexidine to gargle.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection