Problem description: After drinking some cold beer, I have experienced abdominal pain after menstruation. I want quick relief. What’s wrong with dysmenorrhea after menstruation?
Date of problem: 2020-11-27
Patient information: Age: 34 Gender: Female
Dysmenorrhea after menstruation may be caused by eating It is caused by cold foods and cold abdomen.
Dysmenorrhea after menstruation will show symptoms such as lower abdomen swelling, waist soreness, and thigh root pain. It may be caused by eating raw and cold food during menstruation or after the abdomen is cold. After menstrual dysmenorrhea, you need to go to the hospital for a B-ultrasound examination in time to determine the cause and degree of the disease. Under the guidance of a doctor, oral anti-inflammatory drugs and blood-activating drugs can be used for treatment.
You should always pay attention to your own protection. You should not eat iced fruits, beverages, and alcohol during menstruation, which will cause endometrial stimulation and frequent uterine smooth muscle contraction.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection