Problem description: During the process of combing my hair, I found that my upper scalp had local alopecia areata symptoms. I was always worried that the local hair would not grow. What caused the alopecia areata?
Question date:2020-12-05
Patient information:Age: 37 Gender: Female
Alopecia areata may be an endocrine disorder or It is caused by many reasons such as mental stress and genetics.
Alopecia areata is mostly due to genetic factors. When both parents have alopecia areata disease, they may inherit themselves. Long-term mental tension and stress may also cause alopecia areata and irregular diet. With regular work and rest, time can easily make oneself have alopecia areata. Actively cooperate with doctors to use hair growth and nourishing drugs for treatment.
Patients should avoid eating spicy and irritating food, and the diet should be light and nutritious, which is conducive to the conditioning and recovery of their own illness, and they should go to the hospital to review the recovery status regularly.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination