Problem description: I went to the hospital for a review after the labor induction operation before. The doctor said that there was fluid in the uterus and asked me to take gynecological capsules. Can I take gynecological capsules if there is fluid in the uterus after labor induction?
Question date: 2020-12-07
Patient information: Age: 31 Gender: Female
Hydden fluid in the uterus after induction of labor You can eat gynecological capsules.
Fuke Capsules is just a general term that contains many types of medicines. When taking it, you need to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, and use symptomatic medicines to treat diseases according to your personal condition. After a woman induces labor, there is fluid accumulation in the uterus, mainly because there is an infection nearby or in the uterine cavity, which causes the secretion to increase and cannot be discharged from the cervix. It needs to be treated according to the actual condition. For example, dilation and drainage treatment is required, combined with anti-inflammatory drug treatment, and you cannot blindly take gynecological capsules.
It is recommended that women go to the hospital to check and confirm the current amount of uterine effusion, actively cooperate with doctors for treatment, and do postoperative nursing work to prevent aggravation of the disease and affect the recovery of the body.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination