Problem description: Hello, doctor, sudden neurological deafness, right ear, after taking a bottle of Ginkgo biloba extract injection and taking vitamin B group, and oral mecobalamin tablets, sick for a week I have been taking medicine and slinging for 21 days in the hospital. Around the tenth day, there was a slight improvement. I couldn’t hear outside sounds. I just scratched my hair and could hear it. But now it’s still around ten days. May I ask the doctor how we should treat it next. Take medicine in a bottle.
Question date:2021-01-25
Patient information:Age: 15 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: The so-called sudden neurological deafness, also known as sudden deafness in clinical practice, is an acute sensorineural deafness whose specific cause is not clear.
Guidelines: In this case, it is recommended that you use some hormone drugs to cooperate with treatment, and you can go to a regular top three hospital for treatment.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination