Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): I am doing music prenatal education for my baby. Because I am afraid that high-frequency sounds will harm my baby, I use babybloom prenatal education device to play music to my baby. , This is safer, but besides music prenatal education, what other methods are there for prenatal education? Because I quit my job at home after I got pregnant, I have a lot of free time and want to do more meaningful things for my baby. What other methods of prenatal education are scientific and effective?
Question date:2021-02-19
Patient information:Age: 27 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, it is recommended that you should listen to professional prenatal music.
Guidelines: You should eat more green vegetables and fruits during pregnancy. Nutrition, go to the hospital regularly for pregnancy checkups
Suggestions are for reference only, please go to the hospital for detailed examination if the problem is serious