Problem description: Hello doctor, the child is 5 weeks and 8 months, short stature, height 106.6, weight 32. Check vitamin D, the three results of A function have not come out, there is no shortage of trace elements, not anemia What should I do, take medicine or get an injection?
Question date:2021-02-22
Patient information:Age: 11 days Gender: Female
Question analysis: The height of the 5-year-old 8-month-old female treasure is 106.6 cm. Check blood vitamin D is low. Bone age is basically the same as age.
Guidance suggestion: The baby’s height is already in the short range. In addition to the thyroid function test, a growth hormone provocation test is needed to find out the cause before intervention. At present, there are oral drugs that stimulate the secretion of growth hormone, and there are also growth hormones for injection. Make a decision based on the child’s examination results and the child’s predicted height.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection