Problem description: There is a red dot on my face. It has been almost three years since I discovered it! Then you can see very thin blood vessels at a close distance, and stretch the surrounding skin with your hands to make the tight red color disappear! Because of the beard, I shave it every day! What could this thing be?
Question date:2021-02-22
Patient information:Age: 30 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello! I have seen your basic situation, mainly because there is a red patch on the beard, which has been longer and there is no itching, right? At present, there are two considerations: one is the increase in local pressure, the increase in permeability of arterioles, small veins and capillaries, which are caused by extravasation of red blood cells. The second is to consider dermatitis. Red dots can appear, as well as pleomorphic rashes such as erythema and papules.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended that you continue to observe, you can go to the dermatology department to check, such as dermoscopy, etc. to further confirm the diagnosis. If necessary, it can be improved by laser. If there are no abnormal lesions, no special treatment is required.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection