Problem description: Hello doctor, I don’t know what’s wrong. First of all, I love my wife very much. I think it was her former boyfriend, I never cared. I also tried to make love with my wife and told her if she wanted to do it with other men. At first, she was very opposed to it, but later After I kept talking to her, she finally agreed to have sex with other people. The first time I asked the food delivery brother to meet her at my house, and the second time it was a courier delivery. Until now, there have been dozens of men. I have had sex with my wife. Now she enjoys this process very much. I also like to see my wife being fucked by others. When we are bored at home, we will look at these. I have sex with other people. Video, am I really sick?
Question date:2021-05-10
Patient information:Age: 258 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: This is a manifestation of the development of a sexual psychological deformity, which may be related to your previous experience.
Guiding suggestions: If you want a complete solution, you should consider going to the psychology department of the hospital< br />Suggestions are for reference only, if the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination