Problem description: Went for eyebrow tattoo surgery at noon. Now I especially want to eat chicken, and I am worried that it will affect the wound. Can I eat chicken after eyebrow tattoo?
Question date:2021-06-14
Patient information: Age: 32 Gender: Female
You can eat chicken after eyebrow tattoo surgery , Will not affect the healing of the wound. Muscles contain more protein, iron, calcium and other substances, which can effectively supplement the nutrients needed by the human body after use, and have the effect of enhancing physical fitness. It can also accelerate the recovery of pinholes in the eyebrows. Eyebrow tattoo surgery is usually used. After the eyebrow tattoo needle pierces the eyebrow area, inject specific pigments, which can achieve the effect of shaping the eyebrows and increasing the color of the eyebrows. After the eyebrow tattoo surgery, it is necessary to cooperate with the doctor to perform local disinfection treatment, which can effectively avoid local infection or uneven pigment blooming.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection