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Editor’s note: If you find that you are not as happy as you thought after achieving your goals, then you should reassess and think about whether this goal is what you really want. After all, success is a subjective concept. You can’t make decisions for you and avoid letting others have an inappropriate influence on you. The most free day in your life is when you start to care more about how to make yourself happy, not how to impress others. one day. This article is translated from medium, article author Devika Soni, the original title Success Is Subjective: Here’s How To Define It For Yourself.

Success is actually very subjective, the key is how do you define it

Image Source: Shutterstock

During my internship at the university, I had the privilege of working with a manager who was caring for me. He specifically discussed the future career planning with me.

I was 21 years old at the time, and I still have one year of college graduation. I have less than one year of “work” experience. Still, I still know what to say – my parents helped me write a plan when I expressed my interest in doing business, let me back.

I want to work in a well-known big company for a few years before returning to school to pursue an MBA. After graduation, I want to either rejoin the company or look for new opportunities and eventually reach the level of marketing director.

He nodded and didn’t show his voice. Then he asked me what I was going to do for the MBA.

I realized later that he did not ask me to question my decision, but just let me think about why. He went on to tell me that his path to becoming a chief marketing officer is completely different from that in my plan. He did not graduate from a top-ranking university, nor did he read an MBA. Instead, he started step by step from a community college and accumulated a wealth of work. Experience, only have the current position.

The practice proves that the road he took is also working. His experience has indeed made me think: to what extent my views on success have been influenced by others over the years.

To tell the truth, it can be said that it is completely affected by others.Impact.

That was the first time I started to realize that I needed to distinguish what I wanted from what I told you to. So I started my journey to better understand myself, understand what I want from my career, and finally understand my life.

So, if you want to know why the feelings of setting your own goals are not as good as you think, you may need to re-evaluate what you are doing and why you should do it.

Recognize that wishes should come from your heart

You should have a “listen to” attitude to all career advice from others, because the advice you get will always be influenced by the life experience of the person making the advice.

But this is the true meaning of success, but it depends on the desires of everyone. For some people, success may be to make a fortune every year, or to have a prominent title and an office. For others, success may be to find a stable job and develop your interest outside of work. The truth is, what really matters is what you want, so why should we waste so much time thinking about how to compete with others?

Someone can help you understand your dreams about yourself and your career. They should be defined by you. So take the time to really figure out what makes you feel happy. Ask yourself, “What goals do I want to achieve? Is there any way to achieve this? Do I have the right plan to achieve this? What different things can I do now?”

Once you find your definition of success, you can begin to work toward this goal.

Set goals and move you in the right direction

Knowing what you want is just the first step, because knowing what you want is not enough. You must set goals and let you move along the path to achieving your goals every day.

In order for these goals to be achieved, you need to constantly spur yourself so that you don’t feel that you have done enough, because we always have room for further study and growth.

Try to avoid making too many plans for the future so that you don’t miss out on certain opportunities, because you might think they are “not part of the plan.” After all, life is constantly changing. If the situation — or your own personal goals — begins to change, there is no harm in deviating and modifying the plan.

For example, when I decided to leave my current company to join a startup, I was overwhelmed by my indecisiveness, because it was contrary to what I was told throughout my life. It’s really hesitant to leave a long-established company that has a long history and stability and prestige, but I have seen a real opportunity to learn, grow, and creatively advance myself. I don’t think I can miss this opportunity. . Looking back, I meanI realized that this was the first time I made a decision entirely from what I wanted. If I just say “no” because I am afraid that others will see my decision, it will only cause more harm to myself.

The goal will allow you to move forward, grow and accept. But they shouldn’t make you mistakenly think that there is only one way to the life you want.

Don’t let anyone influence your judgment about your self-worth

Trust me, I know that you are easily caught up in the vortex of the comparison. Once, I found myself searching for everyone on my high school graduation album on LinkedIn, just to see how my performance is among everyone.

But the truth is that success in the eyes of others has no effect on yourself. Finding someone else looking for a job won’t improve your level of success. Finding someone you know who owns your “dream job” will not diminish your current achievements.

It’s a waste of time to compare yourself with others. The most free day of your life is when you start to care more about how to make yourself happy, rather than the day of how to impress others.

Remember, you don’t need to explain your decision to anyone. Once you stop worrying about what others think of your life and start living in a way that makes you happy, you are already on your way to success.

Translator: Xitang