However, there are still many concerns.

Editor’s note: This article is from Netease Technology, author LeBron.

On November 8th, according to foreign media reports, in the era of automatic driving, every car needs to be equipped with a steering wheel and seat belt? In the opinion of a senior lawyer who has been in the technology industry for many years, the answer is no.

In 2014, Silicon Valley lawyer David Estrada was an executive at the taxi service company Lyft, where he was on the lookout with the New York City regulator. Lyft hopes to allow its drivers to transport passengers in the city without a special permit. Estrada lost the battle, but did not lose the entire war – he helped persuade dozens of states and countries to amend the law, prompting the arrival of the taxi service era.

In fact, Estrada’s two years at Lyft is only part of the 15-year hardship of some of Silicon Valley’s most disruptive companies. He previously worked at Google X Labs and drafted the first autopilot regulations in California, Florida, and Nevada.

After leaving Lyft, he turned to Larry Page’s secret flying car company, Kitty Hawk, and later became the head of law and policy for the electric scooter startup Bird Rides, lobbying more than 100 US cities. And several countries accept (but ultimately do not accept) street-side electric scooter rental business.

Do you have a steering wheel belt for every car in the future? Silicon Valley Lawyer: No need

David Estrada

Ner Strada is now playing a new role in Nuro, a self-driving car startup in Mountain View, California. The company was founded by two of his former Google colleagues and received nearly $1 billion in investment from the Softbank Group’s vision fund. The self-driving vehicles envisioned by Nuro not only have no drivers, but also no passengers. Its goal is to create a light vehicle for delivering parcels, groceries and food to people’s doorsteps.

“I hope that I can help Nuro become the first company to achieve commercial success in the field of autonomous vehicles, which is what I wanted to achieve when I was at Google,” Estrada said. He must first persuade regulators and citizens to embrace this new type of transportation.