What, he is forced by his livelihood, to make money, to be a passive choice of one thing. But today’s new post-90s and post-95 entrepreneurs, he is more active choice. He is based on my own aesthetic improvement, first to please myself and then to please others.

With these two factors together, there will be more and more excellent local brands.

Shang Yaoting: I think it is mainly the needs of each era and its changes. The problem that the last guest said was that the environment in which each generation of young people grew up was different and determined his consumption pattern. Nowadays, the consumption of young people in pet food is an act of the times, because it is difficult to have so-called pet consumption in the case that it may not be enough to eat before.

But, isn’t it a good consumer product startup era? A huge feature of human consumption brands is that it has certain intergenerational differences. Someone said a word before, I think it makes sense: “Maybe you have done nothing wrong, just because you are old.”

Most of the pet brands in the United States were established in 1973 and five years. It may have a longer brand history because it is not a consumer-oriented consumer product. But like the things people use, you will feel that even the Dove chocolate is very old. Therefore, based on the intergenerational change, there are indeed more opportunities for each change in the situation.

Shi Wenyi: First of all, I agree with Lin Sheng that national confidence is a positive factor.

The trader of Chinese consumer goods brands is more aware of the Chinese consumers’ overall consumption habits and consumption environment. He can sharply capture the changes in consumer trends, which makes local brands’ innovation faster and easier to grasp consumers. .

In addition, changes in channels may have two sides: on the one hand, most of the consumer brands in the past still rely on the channels of traditional supermarkets. In fact, they are not good for the growth of emerging brands. I have been in contact with the consumer goods industry for a long time. Everyone knows that operating this traditional channel brand is generally 30%-40% rebate first ready. At least e-commerce is still in a changing stage of development today, so everyone still has some opportunities to innovate. But if you look closely at the path of this evolution, you will find that When the channel becomes more and more powerful, the window of doing the brand is getting narrower and narrower. So on the other hand, this situation is actually < Strong> A game between brands and channels is a challenge in itself.

Sun Yu: Actually, our format is slightly different from the three teachers’ formats, and more are offline. Although we do takeaway coffee in many ways, its coverage radius is limited. There are various methods of doing consumer goods now, saying the importance of data and marketing, but we insist on the idea that eating must be delicious, and drinking should be good. This is the most practical point, but on the contrary, I feel that the Chinese consumer goods market, especially the capital side, has been greatly weakened in the past few years.

I have contacted some investors and have seen a lot of BP and market research. There are two common arguments about coffee:

One is that Chinese consumers don’t understand how good or bad coffee is.

You will see a variety of research reports. The basic format of the research report is Starbucks, Coffee Family, Pacific Ocean, plus a brand of coffee you want to research. The product tested is always latte, because latte accounts for more than 85% of coffee products. In the end, I came to the conclusion that you see my coffee is so cheap, I use the Internet to innovate, the taste is similar to Starbucks, and the customer’s research is similar. Is this phenomenon correct, does it exist? It exists. But as an industry person, I have to talk about a few very big bugs.

The first thing to know is that 80% to 90% of the ingredients of latte are milk, and the above brands use normal temperature milk. China 2B’s normal temperature milk is only Nestle or Baxi, so when everyone’s products are eight When Chengdu is the same, it is really difficult to see differentiation. But this is because you didn’t put more choices in.

Another argument is that China is a country of tea, coffee is an exotic product, and the number of cups per capita is particularly small.

In this case I want to share a few numbers.

The first, first of all, we often say that the three mainstream markets with long coffee habits and history are the United States, Japan and Europe. But three years ago, in 2016, South Korea consumed 388 cups of coffee a year, ranking the top three in the world. And almost a decade ago, the per capita consumption of coffee in this country, like our current first- and second-tier cities, has been a 3-4 year outbreak since 2008.

It’s a growth trajectory that is very similar to that of China. It is the era from instant coffee to milk coffee. One reason behind this is that after 80 years of entry into the golden age of consumption. Starbucks has actually cultivated a very large stock market in the past 20 years. Now 95 has also entered a age of consumption of gold. Starbucks entered China in 1997, and coffee is part of the growth of this group of young people from small to large, so for them,