The number of deaths caused by this “silent killer” is increasing year by year.

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Editor’s note: According to relevant data, the prevalence of hypertension in China is as high as 23.2%, and it is gradually becoming younger, but its awareness rate is less than 50%. Although the scientific research on hypertension is getting deeper and deeper, the death cases caused by it are increasing year by year. The original title of this article is What You Should Know About High Blood Pressure. The author Robert Roy Britt introduced the basic knowledge about hypertension, as well as related preventive measures and lifestyle habits. I hope it will be useful to you.

Two things you should know about hypertension

Image source: annebaek / Getty Images

Hypertension, also known as “silent killer”, because the first time you have high blood pressure may cause more serious symptoms, such as heart disease or stroke.

Interestingly, the current scientific research on hypertension has maintained its ever-changing findings. However, in the United States, the number of deaths due to hypertension-related diseases has been increasing in recent years.

According to a recent study by the Journal of the American Medical Association, the number of deaths due to hypertension in the United States increased by 45% from 1999 to 2017. As the overall population grows and aging accelerates, the number of deaths caused by heart disease, stroke, and diabetes (patients with high blood pressure are likely to cause these diseases) is rising.

Overall, the four so-called cardiovascular metabolic diseases, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes , are the major risk factors for preventable deaths in the United States.

During the period from 1999 to 2011, due to advances in diagnostic and treatment technologies, the number of deaths due to cardiovascular metabolic diseases actually decreased.

However, according to the previous research report, researchers said thatIn the case of deaths due to hypertension, these technologies are overshadowed, and the current focus should be more on prevention.

“Through our findings, we have realized more clearly that we are becoming less and less superior in the field of combating cardiovascular metabolic diseases.” The research leader and assistant professor of Northwestern Medicine Cardiologist Sadiya Khan said.

According to Professor Yahan, high blood pressure is caused by a variety of factors including low physical activity, poor diet, and the obesity epidemic. These factors, because of our daily life and work habits, have become a part of our lives, and they can also affect each other, creating a vicious circle.

Redefining “hypertension”

If you have high blood pressure, the blood in your body can put tremendous pressure on the inner walls of blood vessels. Generally, we generally have two kinds of test reference data:

  • One, systolic blood pressure, which is the higher of the two sets of test reference data. Systolic blood pressure is the lateral pressure on blood vessel walls caused by the blood injected from the ventricle when the human heart contracts. When arterial blood vessels are hardened or the diameter of the tube becomes smaller, blood pressure rises, and it is more difficult for the heart to maintain normal functioning.

  • Second, diastolic blood pressure, which is the lower of the two sets of test reference data. Diastolic blood pressure is the lowest blood pressure at the end of diastole, when blood temporarily stops shooting into the arteries. Similarly, if the diastolic blood pressure reading is relatively high, it may also be due to arterial patency.

    In 2017, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association updated and lowered the reference threshold for hypertension: 130/80. Prior to this, only readings exceeding 140/90 would be considered characteristic of hypertension. Therefore, according to the updated reference standard value, if your blood pressure measurement data exceeds 130/80, then you belong to hypertension.

    This move was also confirmed based on hundreds of studies and clinical trials. It also had a sufficiently large impact, which directly caused about 50% of adults in the United States to pay more attention to hypertension health. With the updated reference standard reading, the proportion of adults with hypertension in the United States has increased sharply from 32% to 46%.

    In addition, the discovery of ideas has also taken a major turn.

    According to previous health experts,As you get older, blood pressure increases are very normal. However, according to a recent study from the Journal of the American Medical Association, analysis of data from 1252 subjects who had their blood pressure checked every two years from 1948 to 2005 found that despite their age It has increased, but its blood pressure has remained at a stable level, although the largest test reading has remained between 120 and 125.

    According to Susan Cheng, a cardiovascular physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the lead author of the previous study, a so-called “Vascular remodeling”.

    According to Cheng, the vasomotor condition of the arteries and blood vessels, the distribution of blood flow in the lumen, and the speed of blood flow in the lumen will change at any time according to the body’s metabolism and needs. Until the end, pressure may not be controlled. critical point. During this process, the inner wall of the arterial lumen becomes harder, and at some point, blood pressure will inevitably increase.

    According to this research report, this blood pressure increase may be very fast, and soon reach or even exceed 140/90. For everyone, regardless of age, as long as this critical point is reached, the blood pressure increase rate is actually the same.

    According to Cheng explained, The main reasons for this increase in blood pressure are several well-known reasons: poor diet, lack of exercise, and the stress of modern life. She also added that among the tribes in the Amazon jungle, because the tribal groups are relatively less affected by the aforementioned major reasons, the blood pressure of the tribal people remains basically unchanged with age. Lower and stable levels.

    In addition, Cheng also mentioned, “The earlier the problem of hypertension is detected and resolved, the more likely it is to be treated.” However, this possibility has not yet been officially confirmed through scientific research.

    The systolic and diastolic blood pressure should not be discarded

    Health care experts have always warned us that we should pay more attention to our systolic blood pressure. But until now, you should focus on both sets of systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

    In a recent study considered to be the largest scientific study in the field, researchers referenced more than 36 million blood pressure measurements from about 1.3 million people, and analyzed their physical health over time. The study was also published in great detail in the New England Journal of Medicine published in July this year.

    According to the researchers, after analyzing these data, they found that relatively high blood pressure readings, the possibility of suffering from heart disease or strokeSex is higher.

    Alexander Flint, a stroke specialist and part-time researcher at Kaiser Permanente, and the first author of the aforementioned research report, shared examples of the findings in the research results.

    A slight increase in systolic blood pressure to 136 increases the likelihood of suffering a heart attack or stroke by 1.9%. Similarly, a slight increase in diastolic blood pressure to 81 also increases the likelihood of suffering a heart attack or stroke by 1.9%. If the systolic blood pressure increases to 160 and the diastolic blood pressure increases to 96, the likelihood of suffering a heart attack or stroke will increase by 4.8% and 3.6%, respectively.

    These risk ratios may seem small, but they are actually calculated based on data from the average adult population. The study also found that for elderly people or those with high blood pressure who also love to smoke or have diabetes, “the risk of high blood pressure is very high.”

    In addition, other studies have found that for every 20 readings of systolic blood pressure or for every 10 readings of diastolic blood pressure, the risk of death from heart disease and stroke doubles.

    According to Flint, “both in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, the two sets of blood pressure measurement data of systolic and diastolic blood pressure are worthy of equal attention.”

    Two things you should know about hypertension < / p>

    Readings for each stage of hypertension. Under normal circumstances, the systolic and diastolic blood pressures are not higher than 120/80, respectively. The systolic blood pressure increased in the range of 120-129. Subsequently, 130-180 / 80-120 belonged to the two-stage category of hypertension. If blood pressure exceeds 180/120, there is a certain risk and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Data source: CDC; picture source: Robert Roy Britt

    What can you do?

    For the methods and solutions for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, many experts at Harvard University, Mayo Clinic, and other institutions have provided the same advice: participate in sports, eat more fruits and vegetables, and maintain a healthy weight Level, eat less salt, drink less alcohol, try to avoid processed meat products and avoid smoking.

    Deep breathing and other relaxation techniques have also been shown to reduce blood pressure problems. Earlier this year, several studies found that one cup (about 220 grams) of blueberries a day could help reduceLow blood pressure problems can also promote good health. Flint also said:

    In fact, you don’t need to worry about which specific medicine or blocking method to use for hypertension. If you have high blood pressure, the most important thing you should do is choose a medicine or method as the main method, and then persist in the treatment.

    Flint also added that treatment options for hypertension must also vary from person to person.

    “Of all the items in the daily routine physical examination, blood pressure is one of the most important reference data indicators.” Flint said, “ We can’t sense whether you have high blood pressure, it must be measured to know . In addition, in order to prevent and control the related risks, it is best to regularly measure your blood pressure. “

    “The risk of hypertension can actually be gradually controlled and cured over time through medication and other blocking methods,” Flint added.

    Translator: Junyi