Production | Tiger Sniff Business Group

Author | Li Ling

Beyond the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing, there are more new bikes for Hello. Currently, among the three bike sharing giants, Orange, Meituan and Hello, the first time the Hello bicycle is released, so the highest rate of broken cars is released. At this time, it becomes completely new. It is difficult not to expose the new vehicle and the Hello year. The behavior of mortgage bicycles is linked.

On January 2nd, a document from the People’s Bank of China Credit Information Center flowed out online, showing that Shanghai Junzheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. had mortgaged all bicycle assets to Shanghai Yunxin Venture Capital Co., Ltd. The former is the operating entity of Harbin Travel, and the latter is a subsidiary of Ant Financial.

Hallo Travel responded that the loan was a “normal rollover”. In view of the fact that the first loan has been repaid, it can be understood that within the second debt period of the two, Haro didn’t repay the money, so it was postponed. Repayment time of the final payment. The term of the new agreement is from December 4, 2019 to December 3, 2022.

The repayment was postponed, and Ant Financial got the first place in the repayment of “all current and future-owned bicycles related to bicycle sharing business” in Harbin Travel. Ownership.

This is the third time that Ant Financial has generously provided for Hello. Earlier in June 2019, Ant Financial and Harbin Travel and Ningde Times jointly invested 1 billion yuan to establish a joint venture. Farther away, Ant Financial also participated in several rounds of financing for Hello.

Ant Financial has slowly taken over the control of Haro at the capital level, which undoubtedly represents Ali’s will. The greater the control of Ali Capital, the greater the impact on the business operations of Harbin Travel. So this time Hara will mortgage all bicycle assets, will it be the first step for Ali to gain Hara?

Just borrow money

The scrapping period of shared bicycles is 3 years. If you look at the borrowing of Ali and Hello from the debt period of exactly three years, once Hello can’t afford the money, the collateral should be scrapped at the top of the three-year use period stipulated by law. Money hit the water.

This certainly cannot happen. A particularly important point in the loan agreement is that Hara mortgaged “the current and future