The title picture comes from: worm, this article comes from WeChat public account: higher-end human (ID: xinji656) , author: the higher end of the human

In 1550 BC, the world’s oldest known medical book, the Eber Scribble, left the earliest record of abortion in ancient Egypt. The abortion in China as seen in the history books began in the Han Dynasty and formed three abortion techniques. After the Tang and Song dynasties, due to the pressure of population growth, abortion appeared to be universal in some areas, leading to the publicization and professionalization of abortion. However, due to the existence of the traditional concept of re-birth and anti-abortion, abortion technology has been discriminated against and has not been perfected. People have paid a long-term blood price for this.

Abortion has been a controversial social phenomenon since ancient times. As an objective fact, it has always existed in people’s lives. This has been recorded in the Han Dynasty. “Hanshu” Volume 97 “The Houhou Biography” records, “When the Western Han Dynasty became emperor, Emperor Zhao Feiyan and sister Zhao Hede ‘had been petted for more than ten years. He also forced the abortion of pregnant women, ‘the fortunate child who died in the court, and countless people who lost their medicine’. “

Abortion is still controversial in the West due to religious ethics.

This article comes from WeChat public account: higher-end human (ID: xinji656) , author: the higher end of the human