The epidemic is surging. Those medical staff who are rushing to the frontline of the epidemic prevention day and night are naturally the most adorable and respectable people now. At the same time, behind them, giving them material and spiritual support is China, which is much stronger than 17 years ago. The whole of China-whether it is infrastructure such as transportation and logistics, or various technologies and advanced medical technologies. Therefore, people should have confidence in winning the epidemic as soon as possible.

In the next few days, Tiger Sniff will continue to pay attention to those people who are good social citizens and insist on creating value for the society while sticking to corporate responsibilities in this sudden crisis , Also looking for viable commercial and technological power for their own tomorrow. They respond quickly and are not afraid.

The current war against epidemics is the instinct of the country and the entire population in pursuit of vitality.

Supporting the front line of healing in various ways, and at the same time rapid internal adjustments to reduce corporate losses, is also the pursuit of vitality. To save people, we must save ourselves.

I hope that through our report, you will feel a tomorrow China that will have more vitality.

Today we mainly show how Haidilao can respond to the epidemic crisis with the power of the organizational system. Tiger Sniff hopes to provide more enterprises with a reference for dealing with difficult times (Previous Here, we talked about the “self-help” of Liangpinpu, interested readers Please Click here ).

On January 26, the second day of the new year, Haidilao issued a notice of market closure on the official Wei Wei, saying that “from now until January 31,” it will be closed. Haidilao’s decision to close the market was earlier than most catering companies.

On January 31, Haidilao issued a notice to extend the suspension of business hours. The subsequent business hours will be notified separately according to the development of the epidemic situation and national regulations.

As of today (February 3), Haidilao ’s 550 stores in China (data from Haidilao’s first-half report in 2019) have “fired out” for 9 days.

Not only that, but Haidilao’s takeaway business has also been suspended across the board.

This seems a bit too “one size fits all”. After all, many restaurants are now selling after the lack of thick leg support for meals. Moreover, Haidilao is a restaurant company with a huge brand halo and takeaway base.

You know, at the time of SARS in 2003, the core position of Haidilao was still in Xi’an. At the request of customers, Haidilao started to take out locally at that time. The team led by Haidilao ’s current chief operating officer Yang Xiaoli. This takeaway business is the predecessor of sea fishing. Because of its success at the time, the takeaway attempt in this SARS crisis was written into Haidilao’s handbook of cultural heritage as a successful case.

Zhao Zhaocheng, chief strategy officer of Haidilao, told Tiger Sniff Pro: “The suspension of business is mainly in response to national calls to reduce dining out, protect the safety of customers, and reduce the danger of employees. The aspect of delivery is also to protect customers and customers. Employee safety to minimize the chance of cross infection. “

“Only deep pockets like Haidilao have the confidence to do this.” Several restaurant owners expressed their feelings for Tiger Sniff Pro. With reference to the data of Haidilao’s 2019 interim report, according to Tiger Sniff Pro’s rough calculation, Haidilao will be closed for 9 days. Only the loss of store revenue + paid staff costs will exceed 700 million yuan. Moreover, this is the Spring Festival, and it is a golden date when most restaurants can double their revenue.

Jia Guolong, founder of Xibei Noodle Village, also mentioned in an interview the day before yesterday, “Originally, it was estimated that there would be 780 million (income) in the month of the Spring Festival. , You have to pay. “

As the only domestic catering company with annual revenue of over 10 billion yuan, Haidilao, 25 years old, is now in its prime, which is a lot of domestic ambitions to doThe only benchmark for a large restaurant. Although its founder Zhang Yong himself only graduated from a technical school, he is good at management. To a large extent, with systematic management capabilities, he has enabled 550 stores and 100,000 employees (including Shuhai Yihai) to output highly. Standardized and quality service.

This kind of organizational management ability is also reflected in Haidilao’s response to this new pneumonia crisis.

A large-scale infectious disease outbreak of 100,000 employees nationwide, which means that if Haidilao’s negligence in any detail, it will cause systemic risks to enterprises. Therefore, Haidilao launched the highest-level response mechanism and devoted itself to this battle that only allowed to win.

Warning and Response

For Haidilao, Zhang Yong has always been concerned about only two things: process system management and food safety. Any chain restaurant company needs both foundations to grow steadily. As for how much money the company has made and where to open its stores, Zhang Yong has rarely asked.

Process system management, its core goal is to achieve collaboration between people inside and outside the organization to improve work efficiency, and then use a set of standards to ensure the quality of work. In fact, any organization must organize people according to the process.

For food safety, Zhang Yong once said, “I have to think clearly about how I die.”

For all catering companies, the core impact and challenge of this pneumonia crisis is also stemming from the above two things.

The first question is, does this company have a crisis / security alert mechanism? This is the so-called.

“As early as January 3, 2020, the news of” unknown cause of pneumonia found in Wuhan “caused concern within Haidilao, and Haidilao Food Safety Management Center issued a” About Winter Prevention of Norovirus and Other Winters “to stores nationwide. The Early Warning Notification of Spring Epidemic Diseases, especially reminded that due to unexplained pneumonia in Wuhan, you should avoid going out to crowds.

On January 9th, Haidilao issued a document to the store on “Memorandum on Prevention and Control of Unexplained Pneumonia in Wuhan”. All employees in the store were required to learn and began to pay close attention to the news of unknown pneumonia and the physical condition of the store employees. “

These two paragraphs from Zhou Zhaocheng ’s response to Tiger Sniff Pro give us two tips: First, Haidilao has a food safety management center. This set of food safety management and control system is for the purpose, not for decoration. It meetingAggregate internal and external information quickly and respond in a timely manner, and an organized, process-oriented food safety control system is not available to most restaurants. Second, Haidilao’s information intelligence feedback mechanism is relatively efficient.

I have been taught about Haidilao’s information and intelligence feedback mechanism in 2015. I interviewed Zhang Yong at the time. In the dialogue, I mentioned that I had heard two paragraphs of a store in Beijing in Haidilao, but I did n’t tell him which store he was. He was a little embarrassed by me at that time. After all, at this time Haidilao has 109 stores across the country, and Zhang Yong has not paid attention to these details. As a result, the next morning, Zhang Yong asked me to confirm that the things you said were from xx stores and explained to me the specifics of the two things. At that time, I was shocked by Haidilao’s fast and accurate retrospective capability and the top-down accessibility of the information network.

The second question of the challenge is: How do companies from hundreds to tens of thousands of people ensure that the top-level arrangements and instructions can be efficiently transmitted to every employee at the end of the company without deformation?

To this end, Haidilao established a set of wartime organizations.

On January 23, Wuhan closed the city, and the epidemic situation became serious. The high-level Haidilao immediately made a decision to set up a general headquarters for the prevention and control of the epidemic. Division of labor was carried out at the group level. Challenge status:

  • The chairman Zhang Yong is the chief commander and is responsible for building the organizational structure;

  • Chief Operating Officer Yang Xiaoli serves as the first deputy commander and is responsible for store staffing and epidemic prevention;

  • Chief Strategy Officer Zhou Zhaocheng is the second deputy commander and is responsible for the emergency reporting mechanism;

  • Shi Yonghong, the executive director, is the third deputy chief and is responsible for the distribution of supplies;

  • Guo Yiqun, member of the decision-making committee, serves as the fourth deputy commander and is responsible for fund management.

    On the same day, Haidilao established the Wuhan Field Headquarters, with Li Na, the manager of the five stores in Wuhan, as the head of the field, and was solely responsible for the epidemic response work and employee placement in 27 stores in Wuhan. Store managers Yu Hui, Li Haichao, and Shu Hai Logistics City Manager Lin Shubo served as deputy commanders, with 27 store managers as team members.

    On January 24, Haidilao established headquarters in six cities with more than 30 stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou, and Xi’an.

    On January 25, the epidemic spread across the country. Haidilao then established on-site headquarters in 24 cities across the country, covering all stores in the mainland.

    In each city / region, Haidilao Headquarters has designated a store manager as the site’s general commander, who is fully responsible for the store response and employee placement in their respective cities and regions. And set up the first deputy commander and the second deputy commander according to the same model, store managers in the cities and regions where they are located, and each headquarters is equipped with logistics supply and food safety management staff.

    “This wartime organizational structure breaks the existing hierarchy. Each city appoints a field commander to directly manage all store managers. At the same time, store managers, Shuhai supply chain personnel, and food security personnel join in. The deputy commander or team member assists in the work, but the deputy commander does not have decision-making power, and is uniformly made by the on-site chief commander to ensure execution and decision-making efficiency. “Zhou Zhaocheng explained to Tiger Sniff Pro.

    Haidilao ’s combat organization structure has set up reserve candidates on a cascade. If any level of personnel has symptoms such as fever, they are immediately replaced by reserve candidates to ensure that the decision-making brain of each city / region can always operate. And will not face the dilemma of headless dragons because one person falls.

    From another perspective, this is a full-scale troop training for Haidilao, and it is also an excellent trial ground for talent training and cadre selection.

    Personnel Placement and Management

    At the beginning of Haidilao’s establishment of the general headquarters for epidemic prevention and control, the possibility of continuing operations was actually considered. During the Spring Festival, Haidilao still had more than 30,000 employees staying in stores in various cities. But just three days later, Haidilao decided to close the market.

    After all operations were suspended, the focus of Haidilao’s headquarters turned to the placement, comfort and management of Haidilao’s nearly 100,000 employees in more than 100 cities across the country. Its core guiding principle is: Put employees’ health and safety first, and no one can be left behind.

    The third deputy chief commander, Shi Yonghong, is responsible for directing the regional city headquarters to properly arrange and take care of employees on the spot, and to do a good job of protection, material security, livelihood security and wage security. “We will pay employees’ wages legally and in accordance with national laws and regulations and the specific requirements of local governments and the actual conditions of enterprises.” Zhou Zhaocheng said.

    After the epidemic has spread, emotions such as worry and panic have also spread among the society and employees. Although these emotions are commonplace, there are instability factors. To this end, Haidilao General Command immediately set up 16 people.The psychological counseling team is divided into four groups by area to provide psychological counseling for employees. The first deputy chief commander Yang Xiaoli is responsible for organizing psychological counseling for returning employees, and the regional city deputy commander is responsible for implementation, and each store arranges special personnel to communicate with employees on a regular basis.

    As for the resettlement of employees during the epidemic, Haidilao experienced it once during the SARS period in 2003, and experience has been accumulated in this regard. At that time, Haidilao was worried that everyone would be infected with the disease when he returned home. Haidilao rents a lot of videotapes for employees in the dormitory, organizes everyone to watch and pass the time, and also arranges cooking aunts to cook for everyone. Every day, employees take turns to spray the disinfection water on the street, help to clean the windows, and do some public welfare.

    For the 30,000 people who stayed in the stores during the outbreak, Haidilao carried out a group isolation arrangement, and the second deputy chief commander Zhou Zhaocheng was responsible. Zhou Zhaocheng described his work to Tiger Sniff as follows: “The store side implements grouping and isolation of left-behind personnel to ensure that work, life, and accommodation do not cross, reducing the risk of infection. The most important is the standard, method, standard and The standards that should be adhered to during the quarantine are established, and spot checks are performed to ensure that they are in place. At the same time, we also use the resources of the established expert advisory team for the prevention and control of outbreaks in the sea fishing to review, modify and improve the quarantine plan.

    Because 30,000 employees are staying in different cities, in order to ensure that their daily lives comply with the epidemic prevention requirements and standards, and can be adjusted in a timely manner according to the unified arrangements of the local government, the headquarters decided to quickly build a team of epidemic prevention consultants according to the city. Provide guidance on epidemic prevention in different city stores.

    On January 27, Haidilao announced the recruitment notice of urban epidemic prevention expert advisory group (social) on the official Weiwei. On January 31, Haidilao announced the list and division of labor.

    Production and Supply Chain Challenges

    In addition to locating a large number of store employees, Haidilao has also been involved in food production (Yihai) and the food supply chain (Shuhai), which means that a large number of workers and production staff need to be properly placed.

    Under the epidemic, people gave up going out, and eating became a problem. At this time, the demand for convenience food and fresh vegetables was greatly increased. In addition to the production of base materials, Yihai also produced self-heating hot pots and hot pots. Self-heating rice. This sounds good.

    On January 26, Haidilao also specifically mentioned in the briefing that “the headquarters has organized the factory to go all out to increase production capacity and supply the market with quality and quantity.”

    On January 25, a day ago, I learned that Hubei is in urgent need of various medical protective materials and medical services.After continuous heavy duty work, Haidilao donated a total of 5 million yuan through the Hubei Charity Federation to support prevention and control. Including: 3 million yuan in cash for the purchase of medical protective supplies, self-heating hot pot products worth 2 million yuan, to provide medical staff with convenient hot food.

    On January 28, Haidilao once again donated 16.262 tons of vegetables through Wuhan Charity Federation, including potatoes, tomatoes, Pleurotus eryngii, baby vegetables, and winter melon.

    As the epidemic continues, this is really a material squeezed from the teeth. On January 30, Haidilao had to acknowledge in the briefing:

    “At present, the production capacity of the Shuhai supply chain company is limited. It can only protect the meals of employees in Haidilao stores and provide a small amount of products for supermarkets such as 7-11, 7Fresh, and Hema. But we also expect that Shuhai will Most of the production capacity will be restored on the 5th. “

    “Based on the restrictions on transportation conditions, the uncertainty of the epidemic development, and the need for more time to discuss with experts the internal epidemic prevention and control process and implementation details, Yihai’s board of directors decided to restore Yihai’s production date from 2 It was postponed from February 2 to February 6. At the same time, we hope to start the production of factories such as Yihai Natural Food Company in Johor, Malaysia, Panda Trading and Manufacturing Company in California, and Venus Food Company as soon as possible to meet the needs of overseas markets and supplement the domestic market. . “

    Haidilao also decided to use a variety of methods including self-built factories, OEM processing and cooperation with the supply chain of the host country to significantly increase the supply chain capacity within six months.

    Because the resumption of work is imminent, the General Command for the Prevention and Control of Epidemics has formulated the “Epidemic Surveillance and Emergency Plan”, which is used to arrange the rework of manufacturing enterprises such as Shuhai and Yihai. The details of its plan are as follows:

    Requirements for the prevention and control of pneumonia in returning employees (February 1 version)

    I. Requirements for returning workers from factories, cities, and functional departments

    1.1 rework requirements

    ① If it is not necessary, the employee can temporarily return to his work place and work from home.

    ② Employees who return to their hometown in Hubei Province, via Hubei, have a history of contact with Hubei personnel, and have contact history with a sick or suspected patient are temporarily not allowed to return.

    ③ For those who must return to work due to the needs of each department, a special person is responsible for confirming employees’ round-trip time, transportation and trip information, contact history information, route information, whether they have been to Hubei, health information, temperature information, etc. If it meets the requirements, arrange a gradient return, and must not return at the same time to alleviate the pressure of work place accommodation.