The cinema is ready to resume work and listen to what the audience is saying.

Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Making movies together” (ID: yiqipaidianying) , author 1674.

The situation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has improved, and the society has gradually started a full-scale resumption of work. Even the number of people visiting the park has increased. Although the epidemic war has not ended, we can see that everyone is gradually coming out of the cold winter.

While the normal production and life of all walks of life resumed, the recovery of some industries was far more difficult than expected. Not long ago, the topic of movie theater resumption was frequently searched, and those who opposed it accounted for a lot of arguments. Most of them, let alone say that cinemas have not yet opened their doors. Even if cinemas are opened, they still face a series of problems such as subjective rejection by audiences, no films available, and enhanced environmental sanitation and security at the end of the epidemic. And returning to work is harder.

There is no doubt that the theater business needs audiences in order to recover. So from the perspective of the audience, why is the majority of people opposed to the resumption of the theater business? What are they worried about in the theater environment at the end of the epidemic? In their opinion, when will they feel comfortable entering the theater? Making a movie together (ID: yiqipaidianying) investigated the problems between these theaters and the audience. After all, for the theater, the audience’s opinion is the best direction for doing business.

Cinema theaters can open but will be cold, A large number of movies will bring a hot market
A few days ago, “Recommendations of the Technical Subcommittee of the Chinese Film Distribution and Screening Association on Preparations for Rehabilitation of Cinemas”, “Beijing Film Industry Rehabilitation Guidelines for Epidemic Prevention during the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic (Version 1.0)” and other related documents for the resumption of cinemas were released in an instant It caused heated discussions, and the few comments that received a high number of likes under the document release news were objections. Cinema resumption investigation: Why did you lose your audience? You can see that there are many opponents of netizens and even some strong Reverse emotions. Based on this, making a movie together (ID: yiqipaidianying) also surveyed a certain range of audiences. In this survey, the answer to the question, “The theater is preparing for the resumption of work, what is your attitude towards the resumption of the theater,” 59.73 % Of viewers chose “Understand, but I personally will not go to the theater”, while only 9.59%People chose “support, long ago waiting for the cinema to open.” Cinema resumption investigation: Why did you lose your audience?

You can see in this data result that everyone is concerned about The psychology of resuming work in theaters and related industries is understandable. After all, there is a way to live after resuming work. Just like a media interview with a theater staff member, the other party said: “It ’s a loss if you do n’t open a loss, but you still want to start earlier, but when it starts, there will always be a month or two of downturn. Transition period and wait-and-see period. “

Since everyone understands the resumption of the theater, and at the same time has a lot of fear, when will people generally return to the theater?
Cinema resumption investigation: Why did you lose your audience? Cinema resumption of investigation: Why did you lose your audience?

More than 70% of people said that they would wait until “the country announced that the epidemic crisis had been completely lifted” and combined with the movie market schedule Look, nearly half of the respondents said that they would “go again on May 1st”, and the second option was “don’t go back in the first half of the year.” It can be seen that due to the epidemic that has spread to the world, The psychological and protective consciousness increased, and more than two-thirds of people held conservative attitudes towards cinema viewing, a crowded public place.

In fact, behind these opinions is also a background check on the resumption of the theater. Whether it is a clearly expressed grievance or an understandable rejection, it is ultimately the result that the audience will not pay for the theater in the short term, so Obviously, although the theater opened in compliance with security conditions, it still has to face a cold period of time.

For the terminal movie theater, the only competitiveness that can pull back the audience is the movie itself, but there is no contradiction between the release of new films and the opening of the theater. They depend on each other for survival, but no one knows what to do with each other. Way to start. More than a month ago, the outbreak of the epidemic discouraged audiences from watching the movie theaters. No one was in the theaters and the Spring Festival films were collectively withdrawn. The theaters closed their doors completely. Today, the epidemic crisis is still entangled in people’s hearts. Even if they resume work, they still have to hesitate ,The new films are also hesitating.

In the past, we discussed the issue of theater resumption, and we also think that during this awkward period, some films may become “ice melting agents”. For example, some of the previous “problem films” were forced to be released, such as “Evil”, “Sentiment 2”, and some imported movies that have been filed but withdrawn due to the epidemic, such as “Jojo’s Whimsical World”, “Little Woman”, “Dolite’s Fantasy Adventure”, “Sonic the Hedgehog” “Wait.

However, breaking through the frozen period requires more powerful films. The industry also believes that the optimistic aspect of the movie market will usher in the first climax in the May 1st stage, and there will be a peak of audience return at the movie theaters. Why? It is also because more large-volume videos may choose to be filed on May Day, and these videos will become a stimulant for stimulating viewers’ viewing consumption.
Cinema Resumption Investigation: Why Did You Lose Your Audience?

The investigation process of filming together is pending this year. The most anticipated Chinese movie is “Chinatown Detective 3”, “Winning the Championship” ranked second, and “Yaohan” ranked third.

It is true that these films are blockbuster movies that have been previously scheduled but have no choice but to withdraw. They have a high reputation and expectations in the audience, so this also means that the road to the future recovery of the movie market is bound to be inevitable. It is this part of the pre-publication film that will be released first, especially the highly anticipated film with a broad audience base, which will stimulate everyone’s enthusiasm for watching movies and then activate the entire market.

At the same time, because the film market is basically closed in the first quarter, the recovery of the later period and the road of boiling requires the joint promotion of more films. Therefore, the release of Chinese films also needs the stimulation of imported films, so we will shoot together. The movie also collected expectations for imported movies.
Cinema return to work investigation: Why did you lose your audience?

You can see that among the imported films to be released this year, The highest expectation is “Mulan”, followed by “Speed ​​and Passion 9”, “Black Widow”, “Venom 2” and “Wonder Woman 2” are separated by three or four or five. Except for the extension of “Mulan”, The overseas release times of the remaining four films are 5.22, 5.1, 10.2, and 6.5 respectively. If these films can be introduced simultaneously, it will play a significant role in stimulating the movie market in May in particular.

Behind the survey of expected videos, it can also be seen thatThe quantity of movies still has high enthusiasm. At the same time, with the diversification of entertainment methods, everyone generally said that “movies worth going to the cinema” are important. What are the movies worth going to the cinema? Naturally, movies with the perfect combination of content and audiovisual experience, just like the highly anticipated films mentioned in the above article, they will be the core driving force for the future return of the movie market to normal and the recurrence of laughter in cinemas.

The opposition to the preparations for the resumption of movie theaters is just the beginning, The internal and external difficulties of the road to recovery

Right now, film resumption is on the agenda, but the actual resumption of work is not only a long process, it is also a complicated process. In addition to the issue of content return mentioned in the above article, theaters can really return to work and face various problems in other aspects.

First of all, in terms of the sanitary environment of the theater, after the epidemic crisis, the audience ’s awareness of safety and health has been strengthened, and the corresponding requirements for sanitary conditions in public places will be increased. Therefore, for the theater, in addition to preparations for resumption of work In addition to the hygienic qualification standards that need to be met during this period, the environmental hygiene of the theater needs to be upgraded to a higher level.

Renewal and maintenance of the fresh air system in the cinema, replacement and cleaning of audience seats, disinfection and cleaning of the interior and exterior of the theater, etc., will all become a more important part of the theater’s work in the future, and Of course, theaters also need to pay more for this link. As we all know, even if this epidemic crisis does not occur, the living conditions of the theater are still worrying, and in the late stage of the epidemic, theaters will have to bear another layer of cost.
Cinema resumption investigation: Why did you lose your audience?

Under the pressure of greater economic and survival, However, there are not a few cinemas in the epidemic crisis or waiting to recover in the spring, especially small and medium-sized theaters. According to the “City Circle” report, “the theaters that have been shut down for more than a month currently have a cumulative box office loss of about 11.5 billion yuan, and some media predict that In the first quarter, the theater ’s staff costs reached 4 billion, rented properties were 550 million, and non-box office losses were 2.8 billion. ”Behind this, many theaters are still facing tremendous pressure from this data.

From the perspective of the whole year, the outbreak of the outbreak at the beginning of this year has undoubtedly disrupted the plan of the movie market throughout the year. The Spring Festival and Valentine’s Day files have disappeared one after another. The market in the first quarter was basically a pool of standing water. Box office is expected to lose 15 billion. In the future, the summer season after May 1st may change again. Affected by a series of problems such as delays in school opening, and the effect of online courses seems unsatisfactory, many provinces ’education bureaus have also indicated that they will consider significantly reducing summer vacations and using summer vacation To allow students to make up lessons, the target audience is missing, and the schedule is shortenedCorrespondingly, the movie summer season will also lose more living space.

At the same time, several blockbuster films of the Spring Festival were withdrawn, and the re-fixing date after that is more difficult to discuss. It may be difficult to reunite the scene where the heroes gather, so the market climax created by it will disappear accordingly, and the blockbuster movies The arrangement also affects the placement of small and medium-sized films. Facing such a turbulent market situation, I believe most filmmakers are still in a state of restlessness at this time.
Cinema resumption investigation: Why did you lose your audience?

The epidemic crisis basically disrupted all the original plans, There are uncertainties in the market, and from the perspective of the audience, in the epidemic, everyone’s internal concerns and vigilance about public health issues, contact and familiarity with more entertainment methods during the epidemic isolation, etc. All form a potential “crisis”.

After all, more diversified and fresher entertainment methods have been born under the epidemic, which has also changed everyone’s viewing habits to a certain extent, and many people have discovered more ways to watch movies, and these The continued development of movie-watching behavior will also be an impact on physical theater.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly more difficult for a movie theater to pull the audience back. Earlier in the industry’s discussions on the late stage of the theater epidemic, the issue of whether movie tickets will raise prices has also led to public debate. As you can see from the investigation of filming together, the change in movie ticket prices will also become the audience’s entry. A big selection criterion for movie theaters.
Cinema resumption investigation: Why did you lose your audience?

Among them, 35.89% of people said that they “do not accept movies Ticket price increase “, and 35.34% of people said that” the increase within 5% -10% is acceptable “, the theater is not easy to operate, and the audience can understand. Of course, at the same time, 23.84% of people believe that “movie tickets should be reduced in price to attract audiences.” Behind the results of such data, audiences are very sensitive to the issue of movie ticket prices, which directly determines their attitude towards cinemas.

Therefore, the return of movie theaters is still a long way. Although a large wave of “resistance” has been encountered in the preparatory stage for the return to work, for theaters, the more difficult problem is still behind. But sir thought, whether it is “boycott” or support, in the audience’s voice, it actually provides ideas for the return to work after the theater.