Article is from WeChat public account: Eat Melon Planet (ID: chiguaxingqiu) , author: yogurt foam did, from the title figure: Oriental IC

For the upsurge of toilet paper grabbing by foreigners in the epidemic, the Chinese people are stunned and have three consecutive questions: It is more important to wipe buttocks than to eat? Don’t you really grab the mask first? Also in Japan, do n’t your toilets have their own cleaning function?

Let ’s not talk about other countries first. For the Japanese alone, starvation and death are minor, and ecstasy is great. Only toilet paper can guarantee basic happiness. This is reflected in consumption.

According to statistics, the amount of toilet paper used in Japan today is about 17.4 kg per person per year. Calculating on a pound per box basis, about 17 boxes of toilet paper per person per year can be compared with the entire European region. So, assuming that the epidemic lasts for two or three months, it is not too much for one person to carry back two or three boxes of paper.

Although the total amount of toilet paper in China is higher than that in Japan, the average person uses 12.6 kg per year.

The reason why Japanese people grab toilet paper this time is the same as every time, thinking that toilet paper is almost gone.

There are rumors that the raw materials used in toilet paper and masks are the same. Affected by pneumonia, the raw materials are used as masks. In fact, the raw material of masks is melt-blown cloth. The main components of melt-blown cloth are polypropylene, and polypropylene is plastic. The raw material of toilet paper is wood.

Another rumor is that Japanese toilet paper is made in China. China ’s production capacity has declined due to the epidemic, and Japanese toilet paper is almost out of supply. In response to this, the Japan Household Paper Industry Association’s (Tokyo) Office has rumored that Japan will also produce toilet paper itself, and the supply is sufficient. Don’t fret.

Then again, where can the Japanese consume such a huge amount of toilet paper?

On the one hand is the reason for the daily habits of the Japanese. Another important source of consumption that is somewhat different from other countries is the toilet paper stock in Japanese public places. Everyone knows that public toilets in Japan are very good. In addition to toilets, the toilet paper supply is very good.

In Japanese households, toilet paper is packed into boxes and boxes. When you go out, whether in hotels, stations, department stores, or restaurants, toilets in most public places are equipped with toilet paper. There is no need to worry about finding no paper, and truly realize the freedom of toilet paper. In some places, there are even multiple toilet paper holders, each of which has a large number of replacement paper rolls.

Three rolls of spare paper for a toilet in an airport in Japan

In fact, this equipment is quite normal.