Want to change our luck, do we have to burn incense and worship the horoscope? If we break the superstition, we only use a scientific perspective, is there any way that can actually improve our luck?

Can luck be changed?

Success = Skill + Luck

Through the last lesson, we know that the world is actually divided into left and right sides:

Your luck, why has it been bad?

  • The left side is more deterministic, and the results can be expected. Success depends mainly on skills;

  • The uncertainty on the right is higher and the risks are greater. Success depends mainly on luck.

    So, in order to take into account both risks and opportunities, I have provided a survival strategy called: Keeping the Plants and Rabbits

    Put most of your energy on the left side, grasp the determined part, and then invest in the right side small and much within the risk controllable range, waiting for good luck.

    But here is a premise:

    Whether you will encounter risks or luck on the right, you cannot change what luck you can encounter.

    But if the outer world can be changed by you?

    For example, you can get rid of “bad luck” artificially?

    Or, you can artificially add “good luck”?

    You must think I’m in the sky …

    But from ancient times to the present, people have really spared no effort to explore on this road …

    All kinds of reforms!

    Human beings have developed various methodologies and doctrines in order to be able to control the uncertainty of the future and change their own fortunes, such as:

    • Western astrology, tarot cards, horoscope, various psychic masters …

    • Chinese characters, Liuyi, Ziweidoushu, Xiangxue, various Fengshui masters …

    • Some of the rituals that pray for good luck in religious rituals, such as begging, praying to Buddha, burning head incense in the new year …

    • There are all kinds of weird fortune treasures …

      In addition to these, there are also numeric symbols with special meanings, such as:

      • Numbers that bring good luck: 888 (for wealth), 666 (for success) …

      • Numbers that bring bad luck: 4, 13, 14, … Many buildings don’t have these floors directly …

        There are also some folk customs that can also bring “good luck”, such as:

        • I want to wear red underwear in my fate;

        • Make a wish on your birthday, then quickly blow out the candles;

        • Eating fish in the thirties and thirties means that there is more than one year after year, which means that every year there is a surplus of wealth …

          It can be seen that people’s pursuit of good fortune has reached a state of intoxication, every action they can’t wait to do, every item placed around them, every symbol number appearing in front of them, can Bring good luck to your future.

          Are these methods useful?


          You will hear them say, it ’s amazing, I made a wish last time, and now it has come true, and I will make a wish tomorrow.

          You will also hear them say that there is a master who said that I had a blood disaster within three months, and today I fell down. Fortunately, I asked for a joss stick to minimize the damage, otherwise today is not wrestling. It’s that simple!

          What are these?

          These are called “survivor biases”

          Note: What is called survivor bias, it is a common logical fallacy. We can only see the results of some sort of screening, we are not aware of the process of screening, and ignore some very critical information.

          What you see are those who have fulfilled their wishes and wished; what they have not seen are those who have made their wishes but have not fulfilled them.

          Is it because of “wishing” that the wish is realized?

          Unfortunately, neither!

          That’s because another logical fallacy makes you hallucinate. It’s called the “later fallacy”: when a certain “outcome” occurs, you will use this “outcome” to find the “support” for this result. Reason “

          For example: someone, with the help of a friend, negotiated a big business and he was very happy. But why does this friend suddenly appear to help himself?

          He thought hard and finally found the reason …

          A year ago, in a small temple on a certain mountain, he bought a bunch”Tourmaline bracelet” is really amazing!

          It’s like three people taking the elevator from the first floor to the tenth floor. One was running in place, one was doing push-ups, and one was hitting the wall with his head. They all reached the tenth floor.

          Your luck, why hasn't it been good?

          Someone asked how they got to the tenth floor?

          A man said, I came up. One said, I came up as a push-up. One said, I came into the wall with my head …

          This is the reason to find the results …

          So, it is the combined effect of the two logical fallacies of “survivor prejudice” and “later this fallacy” that has led to “superstition” becoming popular!

          ok, now superstition is broken, but I still hope for good luck, what should I do?

          Is there a more scientific way to improve luck?

          Next, I will try to explore with you …

          Scientific view of luck

          What is luck?

          First, to improve luck, we must first define luck. What is good luck?

          That’s: better than expected results

          For example, if you roll a dice and want to roll a “6”, then the probability of “6” appearing is 1/6. As a result, the first time you roll out is “6”, which exceeds the original expectation of rolling 6 times. Just luck!

          There is also a case where something has not been taken into account (the expected probability is 0%), but it happened unexpectedly, helping you reach your goal faster, which is beyond you As expected, that’s good luck!

          ok, with this definition, we can find ideas for improving luck, that is:

          Improve the “probability” of this “good result”

          So how to increase this probability?

          If you do nothing, the probability will not change by itself, for example, if you roll a dice and do nothing, the probability of a 6 will always be 1/6.

          So how to increase the probability of 6?

          You may blow a warmth into your hand before throwing it out …

          You may meditate on a spell before throwing it out …

          You may also folded your hands and pray to heaven before throwing it out …

          What are these?

          These are “external forces” you try to “increasing probability”

          In other words, only with the help of “external forces” can the objective probability change.

          Of course, the methods mentioned earlier are the same as those mentioned at the beginning of the article. Fortune treasures, Buddha blessings, lucky numbers, red underwear, etc. are actually artificially made and seem to be useful. “External forces” to help you increase the probability of good results.

          But these methods cannot be falsified, so they are classified as superstitions.

          Are there any “external forces” that are really useful?


          For example, if you are in the wild and want to drill a wood to get a fire, you may have to rub hundreds or thousands of times to get out of the flames. When you are unlucky, you may rub for a few hours and still not burn …

          Your luck, why is it always bad?

          What to do? How to improve the success rate of drilling wood for fire?

          Speak a spell?

          Obviously not working …

          You can change to a dry environment and add some flammable materials such as lint, dead leaves, etc. This will increase the probability of turning out the fire many times. In this dry environment, the added flammable materials are effective “external forces”

          This addition can increase the probability of occurrence and shorten the “external force” of occurrence time. In the textbook of junior high school chemistry, there is a proper term called catalyst.

          The way to increase luck is to add some “catalyst” to the process

          So, what “catalysts” are available to us?

          If you look around, there are three types that can affect the results:

          • People: Get help from others.

          • Things: Some things happen that increase the probability of success of your target event.

          • Objects: The surrounding physical environment, the items and items that can be used, and the changes of the time and place. For example, the dry environment in the log just fired.

            Next, based on these three directions, I will tell you the specific ways to improve your luck.

            Specific ways to improve your luck

            Catalyst 1: People

            What is a “human” catalyst?

            It means when IWhen we do something, we accidentally get the help of some people, overcome the difficulties, and cross the barrier … which is what we often say is “with the help of valuable people”

            Nobles in Han Xin’s life

            Han Xin is the founding father of the Han Dynasty, a generation of Chinese history, and the reason why he has such brilliant achievements is largely due to the 4 nobles he encountered in his life: p>

            • Nobleman 1: Floating Mother

              Han Xin, who was a civilian, was impoverished in his early years. When he was about to starve to death, an old woman who was rinsing the silk did not give him food in return.

              • Aristocrat 2: Xia Houying

                Han Xin was not reused after he rushed to Liu Bang. He would be beheaded if he violated the law. The former inmates were all beheaded. When Han Xin was about to be stabbed, he encountered another noble “Xiahou infant”. Xia Houying not only let him go, but also spoke about Liu Bang because he admired Han Xin, and he was promoted to raise his salary …

                • Aristocrat 3: Xiao He

                  It goes without saying that Cheng Ye Xiao He defeated Xiao He. Without his appreciation and strong recommendation, Han Xin’s life might be an obscure little grain officer …

                  • Noble 4: Liu Bang

                    Accepting Xiao He’s recommendation and admiring the altar, he finally turned Han Xin’s crow into a phoenix and officially entered the stage of history.

                    It can be said that if Han Xin did not have the help of these four nobles, he would not have achieved so much. Although the ending is tragic, this previous life is enviable.

                    Do you also hope that in your life, like Han Xin, you will meet a few nobles and Bole to help yourself meet the challenges?

                    So how did you meet it?

                    We can try to think backwards: just analyze first, who do we take the initiative to help?

                    After knowing the reason, we can in turn deduce what characteristics of those who are helped are things we can learn.

                    So we know what kind of talents are more likely to get help from your nobles.

                    Why do we help someone?

                    • Reason 1: Investment

                      Why did Xiao He and Liu Bang help Han Xin?

                      Because Han Xin is also a noble in their eyes, he has outstanding abilities, extraordinary brilliance, and talented people who can help them win the world.

                      So, while helping Han Xin, they also hope that Han Xin can help themselves and fulfill their dreams in the future.

                      • Reason 2: Help the weak

                        It means that you are currently in crisis or on the weak side, then I may reach out to help you.

                        It was just like the drift mother gave Han Xin food, but it was pitiful to see Han Xin and wanted to help him.

                        But there is a certain chance of this kind of help. At that time, there were more than a dozen drifting mothers who met Han Xin. The one who really helped was that one. Not everyone who passed by the beggar would leave For a coin.

                        • Reason 3: Debt Repayment

                          It is the other person who has helped himself, now you reciprocate your favor and reciprocate your kindness.

                          Alternatively, the other party often invites himself to eat and presents himself to make himself more profitable …

                          I feel like I’m taking advantage, and I owe the other side a little. I want to find an opportunity to make up for this.

                          Just like Han Xingong became famous, he found the drifting mother of the year. In order to thank the graciousness of the year, the reward was thousand.

                          Han Xin has also become a noble man hit by drift mother.

                          Of course, in addition to these, there are some people who have to help because of “obligation”, such as relatives, partners, etc., are not discussed as the main reason today …

                          From the above three main reasons, we can launch a counter-introduction to what kind of people are most likely to get help from others:

                          • Outstanding talent

                            You are very capable, but it may be currently undervalued by the market, or you may encounter temporary difficulties.

                            We saw that Xia Houying, Xiao He, Liu Bang, and even Floating Mother were all willing to help him because of his appreciation for Han Xin’s talent.

                            Bole is looking for Maxima while you are looking for Bole. Therefore, if you want to meet Bole, you must first turn yourself into a Maxima. You are willing to invest in you because you are optimistic about your potential.

                            If you leave this point, you will become a helpless duo, even with the help of Zhuge Liang.

                            2. LowTune, modesty, and graciousness

                            People like to help the weak, but it is a kind of existence satisfaction from the heart. Just seeing each other, because of their help, and getting better, there will be a happy satisfaction in the heart.

                            Our existence is valuable, and this behavior is meaningful!

                            But if the other party is arrogant and vengeful, then this “sense of meaning” is gone.

                            Because you feel that your help is “excessive”, you don’t need me, and you don’t know how to be grateful, so why should I help you …

                            So, you need to give this “Sense of Meaning” to the other party, keep humble, keep a low profile, and know the graciousness of the newspaper.

                            3. Widening good destiny, loss is a blessing

                            It is to see the people around you who are in difficulty, or to help others without giving back, and to help others.

                            In addition to helping Han Xin, she should also help many others.

                            When she helps them, she doesn’t plan what the other party will do to her in the future, but the person being helped will have a “feel of indebtedness” in her heart, and she will feel that “the debt of the people will be repaid”

                            Over time, there are more people who help. When they encounter difficulties, some of them may jump out and become your nobles, which in turn will help you through the difficulties.

                            This is called: get together!

                            To interact and cooperate with others, you must also find ways to make the other party more profitable and take advantage of yourself. You must know how to go in and out …

                            In this way, they will interact with you with some “owing you” mentality, will be more willing to help you, will be willing to introduce their friends to you, introduce more business and cooperate with you …

                            Perhaps you get much more than what you lost before.

                            This is called: Loss is a blessing!

                            Summary: What kind of people are more likely to meet your nobles?

                            In a word, people with great wisdom and humility are more likely to encounter nobles.

                            If you can do the above, then your luck in humans will not be bad. Many people will bring you “good luck” and are willing to help people like you.

                            Catalyst 2: Things

                            What is the catalyst for “things”?

                            It’s something that helps you achieve your goals.

                            But we know what can happen in the future and what others will do. We ca n’t predict it, and the chance is very big. What should we do?

                            The only thing you can control is what you do yourself.

                            In other words, is there a connection between what you do? Can they promote each other?

                            Good luck of Kazuo Inamori

                            Inamori Kazuo is known as the business sage of Japan. When he first entered Kyocera for about a year, in order to research and develop “forsterite”, he encountered a difficult question: how to shape the raw material powder?

                            In the past, clay was used as a binder, but there was a lot of impurities in the clay.

                            Inamori was puzzled, and tried countless methods and failed …

                            Until one day, he was tripped over by a container in the laboratory, and his shoes were stained with experimental rosin resin.

                            When he just shouted, “Who left the rosin in this place!”

                            A thought crossed my mind …

                            “That’s it!”

                            Yes, in the end, he used rosin instead of clay as a binder. This major technical problem was thus broken.

                            Afterwards, Inamori and her husband joked that this was “revelation from God”

                            But this is the revelation of God …

                            If it hadn’t been in his mind;

                            If he did n’t live and work in the lab;

                            If he had countless failure experiences …

                            How could he encounter this “revelation from God”?

                            This is not an accidental event, but past experience and thinking, and jointly planned for the arrival of this “good luck”!

                            The so-called inspiration is just a product of experience and knowledge, not a sudden whimsy!

                            So how do you make “things” your catalyst?

                            It is to make every thing you do have the effect of “accumulation”. The former is a pre-action of the latter. The past experience is the paving stone of today. Let time be your friend. , Resulting in a compound interest effect.

                            It’s like boiling a pot of water. You must continue to heat the water. Every time the water temperature rises, it will heat up for the next second, with a higher starting point so that the temperature can continue to rise. Until the moment comes, the quantity changes to the quality changes.

                            Summarize in four words, that is: accumulate less.

                            Catalyst III: Substances

                            What is “catalyst”?

                            The “things” we usually refer to are articles. Here I expand the meaning, that is, the entire physical environment you are in, the available articles, the right place, and so on.

                            Like the case of drilling wood for fire as we said at the beginning, the dry environment and flammable lint are the catalyst for “things”.

                            About how to find the right time and place, how to find potential energy highlands, how to find the environment suitable for your development?

                            We have already talked a lot in Lesson 9: Signals from the Future World to you. If you have n’t seen it, or you have forgotten it, you can go out and turn left to review it.

                            I’ll add one herePoint: What if you can’t find the potential high ground?

                            You have to find a way to build your own!

                            Elon Musk’s rise

                            In a very mature automobile market, traditional gasoline vehicles are at a high potential. Although new electric vehicles are more advanced, cleaner, and even better in performance, they are unlikely to appear in traditional car companies. The reason We already talked about it in Lesson 9. Inside the enterprise, it is equivalent to attacking one’s main force directly under the mountain, and there is almost no chance of winning.

                            At the time, Tesla, an emerging car company, at that time, as an independent individual, opened up a market gap through cognitive potential energy and efficiency potential energy, and quickly occupied a base area, but after all, it was facing some scales larger than its own. How to deal with the siege of traditional automobile companies with great potential?

                            Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, chooses to open source his own electric vehicle technology!

                            When this news was announced, many people thought he was crazy! This is equivalent to giving away the guy who eats for free …

                            How does Musk think about this?

                            Although Tesla’s technology is good and its products have been recognized by users, after all, there were too few manufacturers of electric vehicles at that time, the market was not yet up, and the entire industrial chain was still immature.

                            The upstream and downstream supply chains, battery technology, and charging facilities are not complete, which has led to a bottleneck in production and the market. The Tesla family alone is also incapable of speaking.

                            What should I do?

                            Open source all related technologies, greatly reduce the barriers to entry in this industry, allow more people to join this industry, and accelerate the development of this industry together.

                            In Musk’s original words, this method is called: using the power of “human giant spirit” to promote the change of the industry.

                            The supply chain, technology bottlenecks, and supporting infrastructure will be resolved because more and more people enter the industry, and the division of labor becomes more and more detailed. The entire industry will rapidly develop in a more sound direction. If you stay in it, you can also enjoy the dividends brought by the development of this trend, and the problems of production and technology can be solved.

                            Musk himself created an environment and let it bring good luck to himself.

                            So, how can you use “catalyst” as a catalyst to bring you good luck?

                            Summary in four words, called: Homeopathy

                            Good luck from bad luck

                            Knowing what ways can bring “good luck”, we also know what to do to bring “bad luck” …

                            • Choose the wrong environment, such as drilling wood for fire in ice or snow; sailing in a storm;

                            • Do discrete things, such as gambling, constantly changing careers, and constantly changing male and female friends….

                            • Disgusting personality, arrogant and ignorant of gratitude; poor ability, but also digging, taking advantage of others …

                              If you can do the above, congratulations, you will have neither friends nor accumulation, and even God will be right with you, you can finally let doom go with you ~

                              Why do people like this have so bad luck?

                              Deserve it …

                              This world is alive

                              At this point, an interesting question slowly surfaced:

                              Since you can improve your character, accumulate the results of things, optimize your environment, and in turn change your fortune, what is the relationship between you and the world?

                              Is the world shaping you? Or did you shape the world?

                              Let’s look at a picture:

                              Your luck, why is it always bad?

                              Your behavior affects the people around you, and they will give you corresponding feedback; you promote the development of things, and things in turn will make you yourself; you choose the right environment to live in, and the environment Will in turn shape you;

                              Three people, things, and things also affect each other:

                              People drive things forward; many things come together to form the environment; the environment shapes the people who live here …

                              You, people, things, things, the four constantly interact, influence each other, shape each other …

                              So, do two people in the same place really have the same world?

                              You have made different friends in different ways … Friends interact with you with different attitudes;

                              You have done different things with different attitudes … Things have brought you different achievements;

                              You choose different environments with different eyes … The environment in turn shapes different you;

                              Even if you sit side by side, you live in a completely different world …

                              And you are the cause of everything

                              If you change, your own world will change.

                              You change the way you socialize, You will be able to get around;

                              If you change your attitude towards doing things, you will be able to accumulate less and more;

                              You change the environment you choose, and you can take advantage of it!

                              Every action you make, every time you think of it, is actually building your own world, and this world will in turn shape you.

                              All this is destined for your fate …

                              This world is alive!

                              See you next class ~

                              Editor’s note: This switched public micro-channel number ” Fu Yanshe “(ID: dontletmeplay) , author Xie Chunlin. Reprinted with permission, Follow the public account, you can learn the complete column for free.

                              Your luck, why has n’t it been good?