In 2020, brands wanting to do marketing must understand live broadcasting.

Editor’s note: This article from the micro-channel public number “when interest” (ID: SocialTouchST) , OF: An weeks .

If Li Jiaqi’s break in popularity in 2019 made live broadcast enter the public’s perspective, then the epidemic in early 2020 completely made live broadcast a form of national-level entertainment.

According to Baidu Index data, the search index for the term “live broadcast” increased significantly after mid-January and even exceeded the level of the “Double Eleven” period of the previous year.

Brands who want to do marketing in 2020 must understand live broadcasting

Baidu index for the word “live”

I. 2020, brand marketing must understand live broadcast

In the popularity of live broadcast, for the platform, live broadcast has become the bottom layer of the product. In addition to the traditional Taobao live broadcast, vibrato, and fast hands, Jingdong, Pinduoduo, and B stations have opened live broadcast functions, and Shopping guide communities such as Xiaohongshu and Mushroom Street have already made many attempts in the field of live broadcasting, and even music products such as QQ Music and Netease Cloud Music are making great efforts to broadcast live.

For brands, live broadcast has become a means of communication that must be seriously considered in today’s media environment. In fact, a large number of brands have achieved rapid growth during the epidemic through live broadcast. According to, Youlimei’s live-streaming marketing went up 264% year-on-year, sales of Mengjie Home Textiles Tmall increased by 11% year-on-year, and COFCO Fulinmen received 9,000 new customers every day through live-streaming activities such as Taoism … The big principle is that where users are, marketing should appear; today, we can say: In 2020, brands want to do marketing, they must understand live broadcasting.

In addition to the user education of the whole people and the entire industry chain through the epidemic situation, live broadcast marketing currently has two major advantages:

On the one hand, currently, live broadcast is a relatively high efficiency in product sales conversion. In other words, the ability to carry goods live is stronger. The live broadcast stimulates users to purchase directly during the viewing process through live interaction. Generally, a large number of anchors can obtain greater discounts for products for users, and it is easier for users to make impulse purchases.

On the other hand, despiteLive broadcast has been well known to all netizens, but for brands, live broadcast marketing is still in an early stage. At present, most of the product categories involved in live broadcasting are limited to women’s products such as beauty department stores and non-standard products such as jewelry and jade. Brands that respond quickly and take the lead in adopting live marketing will have the opportunity to obtain more industry dividends.

But at present, the live broadcast marketing of enterprises in the market is also generally rough and irregular. “The four major pain points of boring content, too fast time, no continuity, and low quality” are common in corporate live marketing, said Alex, general manager of Southern China. Live broadcast is a long-term battle for enterprises. In the future, the frequency of live broadcasts by enterprises may reach the intensity of hundreds of games a year. How to conduct live broadcast marketing will be a course that companies need to make up for now.

Second, how should brands start live marketing?

There is no need to say the importance of live broadcast marketing. So, how should a company start a live broadcast and how to choose a live broadcast platform? We did some sorting out of the major live broadcast platforms.

Brands who want to do marketing in 2020 must understand live broadcasting

At present, the major platforms have low application thresholds for live broadcasts, and they are all at a new stage. Taking Taobao Live Broadcasting as an example, as long as the categories sold by brand merchants are not within the scope of restricted categories and have a good past business condition, they can usually be successfully applied; and talents and consumers can also become anchors through relevant qualification reviews and examinations.

But choosing a matching live broadcast platform and using a suitable live broadcast method is more important for the final effect of brand live broadcast. In the current platform, Taobao and Kuaishou have the nature of cargo delivery. If they cooperate with suitable anchors, they can quickly carry cargo conversion. and Pinduoduo have also begun to launch live broadcast services, especially at the end of 2019. A lot, it is more suitable for sinking market village sowing and agricultural special products.

It is worth noting that the current live broadcast content of various platforms is also in the process of business exploration, such as the live broadcast function in the WeChat ecosystem, has been in the internal beta stage. Although the WeChat live broadcast is obviously a huge traffic, the business opportunities among them still depend on WeChat official policies and open functions. Therefore, brands need to choose according to the platform’s subsequent policies and content strategies, and communicate with the platform to obtain more traffic resources and recommendations.

From the perspective of the brand ’s live broadcast marketing methods, taking Taobao ’s live broadcast platform as an example, there are currently four mainstream methods: find anchors to bring goods, participate in the PGC column, build a live broadcast team, and perform live broadcast operations.

Brands who want to do marketing in 2020 must understand live broadcasting

It can be found that the live broadcast marketing methods in the past few years have mainly focused on finding anchors to take delivery and participate in the PGC column. Since the epidemic situation completely broke the live marketing, more and more brands have started to build their own live broadcast teams. Various marketing service companies have also begun to increase live-generation operations. It is expected that in the future, the brand’s demand for new media live broadcast talent will increase significantly, and the live broadcast generation operation industry chain will gradually improve.

Third, how can companies seize live broadcast bonuses?

The impact of live broadcast on corporate marketing is not only a change in marketing methods, but also a renewal of corporate marketing ideas. We expect that in the future brand new media communication and operation, there will not only be graphic information represented by “Double Micro”, but short video information represented by “trembling fast”, live content operation will also become the standard for enterprises. .

What should companies do? Shiqu has the following three suggestions:

1. Set up a live broadcast operation team

As early as 2003, e-commerce has slowly risen, and e-commerce has gradually become an important sales outlet for major brands. Since then, the company’s e-commerce team has become standard for almost every consumer brand; after WeChat opened the public account function in 2012 , The WeChat public account has become an important window for brand promotion, and most companies’ new media teams have been formally established. Now the new media team has become the standard for the corporate marketing department; since 2018, the short video represented by Douyin Kuaishou Beginning to rise, many fast-moving companies have successively established video director teams, and many of them have also seized the short video bonus.

Compared with graphics and short videos, live broadcast is closer to e-commerce sales. The formation of a live broadcast team will become a necessary option for marketing. A complete live broadcast team usually includes the following five types of people. With one person serving multiple roles, brands can also delegate some roles to professional marketing services companies.

Brands who want to do marketing in 2020 must understand live broadcasting

The points worth noting are: first, ideally, brands broadcast on different platforms need to match the content of the corresponding users, that is to say, the content needs to be customized, such as “Old Iron”