Finally on GitHub anytime, anywhere.

Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “HyperAI super nerve” (ID: HyperAI ) , author: nerve knife. The original title “Github mobile! Putting the world ’s largest same-sex dating community into a pocket

Scenario description: Today, the mobile version of GitHub is officially released. This program integrates the mainstream functions of GitHub, allowing developers to view and use GitHub anytime, anywhere.

Keyword: GitHub App officially released

The official version of GitHub mobile phone is finally released! The main features of GitHub are now available through the app.

Github is launched on mobile and puts the world's largest

Introducing the official GitHub blog App

At the GitHub Universe conference in November last year, GitHub announced plans to launch a mobile terminal, followed by the release of a beta version of iOS, and in January 2020, a beta version of Android was released.

After several months of debugging and improvement, the official version has finally arrived.

Android and iOS support: GitHub anytime, anywhere

In the official blog of GitHub, the main features of the official version are introduced. Currently both Android and iOS are available. Users can view code, merge changes, and share feedback through the App.

App has three main functions, which are:

1. Handle message notifications: Messages are presented in the form of an inbox in the form of streaming media. Just swipe left to mark them as read, or you can save the notification for subsequent processing.

Github is launched on mobile and puts the world's largest

2. Handle Issues information: Provide feedback and answer questions. Users can provide feedback and reply to comments in the app. They also support using emoticons to respond.

Github is launched on mobile and puts the world's largest

3. Process workflow: Complete review and merge pull requests on your phone.

Github is launched on mobile and puts the world's largest

In addition, the GitHub mobile version provides different versions for individuals, teams, and enterprise cloud users. Other features and APIs will be added later. It is planned to support Enterprise Server this year.

From Beta to Production: Extensive testing

It is reported that from beta release to official launch, GitHub App has undergone a lot of testing.

Introducing Ryan Nystrom, Director of Engineering at GitHub, in the process, the team fixed more than 200 errors, processed more than 400,000 notifications, and consolidated more than 20,000 code changes.

60,000 testers and nearly 35,000 comments to test and improve the functionality of the app.

In the past few weeks alone, beta testers have reviewed, reviewed, and merged more than 100,000 pull requests.

Github is launched on mobile and puts the world's largest

App displays a variety of interfaces and functions

He also introduced that one of the main improvements in the app at the moment is the support for reading and reviewing code.

Developers can now share feedback and view lines of code with a single tap, but the current version does not yet support direct code editing.

Nystrom said that in the coming months, the App will provide more functional support and improvement.

Open for download, let’s try something new!

As far as the user experience is concerned, the interface look and operation experience of the App is still very good.

The GitHub App is built as a native application that supports dark mode based on user device preferences and automatically adapts to various screen sizes.

Github is launched on mobile and puts the world's largest In addition, there is a small Easter egg. When the App is installed and used, it provides 7 different styles of display icons, and users can freely change the icon of the application.

Github is now available on mobile, and the world ’s largest

The application is currently available for download and is available on Google Play and Apple Store. Please check the details via the following interface: