I hope everyone finds a decompression method suitable for you Notesman) , author: Lee Chong, CCTV “People” special channel psychologist; published with permission.

Content source: On March 2, 2020, the 25th live broadcast of the Boshi · Beijing Benchmarking Micro-Classes hosted by Boshi Education Group.

Guests to share: The first person of Phoenix Network’s “Chinese Emotional and Stress Management Tutor” network event.

Note: As a collaborator, Note Man is released after review and authorization by the organizer and speakers.

Senior note master | Xiaomi

Responsible editor | Zimo

When you are born in the world, you will always encounter all kinds of troubles. Some of these troubles disappear quickly, and some of them persist, which may have a certain impact on our work life The key is how to solve it?

Hello everyone, today I will share with you new thinking and methods of emotion management. Don’t talk about the rationale, just talk about thinking patterns and tips.

Early 2020, a sudden outbreak broke the daily silence. Although everyone lives at home, they do nothing at all. For example, in Wuhan, a hospital is built in 10 days, and students do not stop classes.

After gradually returning to work, many things are different from before. At this time, telling others to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and go out less often doesn’t seem to work.

If a colleague in the office suddenly says to you, “I have a fever.” Have you ever thought about what you should do?

You tell him, “It’s okay, it’s just a cold. Don’t go to the hospital.” Don’t you dare say that? !!

But if you tell him “No, you really seem to have new coronary pneumonia, you have to pay attention, you must go to the hospital for examination.” He said “No, I’m afraid of cross infection.” What should you do at this time?

When worrying and persuasion are useless, how can we face the new emotions and pressures? How do you resolve this? When your family, friends, colleagues, and subordinates are under pressure, how can you help them overcome and resolve them?

How to manage emotions?

I have been focusing on the area of ​​emotional stress management since 2005,It has been 15 years. In my experience, we have never lacked methods for emotional stress management, but how to identify them.

Next, I will share with you a mode of thinking, called Dharma Nature.

I. Doctrine of Nature

What is Dharma Nature?

The world’s least polyhedron is the tetrahedron. The tetrahedron is the simplest, most stable and most harmonious structure. This is a very important law of nature.

Dr. Xu Cheng wrote a thesis “Xu’s Law” and put forward the “quaternary theory”. He said that any major problem in the world must be considered from at least 4 dimensions before it can be considered comprehensively.

Note from Note: “Quaternary theory”, that is, the cognition of any thing must include at least four aspects to truly understand the nature, the whole picture and the development trend of the constantly changing things. This is to solve various complex problems. The essential.

So, if you are going to write a plan for your clients and report to your leaders in the future, then you must analyze the problem in at least 4 dimensions. Only by continuously inverting, speculating, and simulating from four dimensions can it be possible to think of a problem more comprehensively.

Emotional stress management also has 4 dimensions:

The first dimension is called the body. You will see a lot of dimensions related to the body. For example, during this vacation, many people will tell you to relax at home, do yoga, running, running, sports, and relax your body. Good decompression method.

But there is a very important principle of systematic thinking called wholeness and mutual exclusion. Imagine if we call the body below the neck and the thought or thought above the neck, you will find that something is related to our thoughts.

Based on this, we find that after the resumption of work, people often say, “Put it strategically, pay attention to it tactically, and don’t be too nervous”, etc. This is “idea”.

So, the second dimension is idea.

Let’s look at this “body” again, it has a lot of interlacing in it. With the skin as the boundary, the skin is called the body, and the skin is called the field. Whether the decompression is actually related to the surrounding environment.

If you are in an environment where everyone is nervous and stressed, then you will be stressed too. At this time, change the environment, or make the environment easier, improve the relationship and interaction mode with others, your stress will be relatively reduced, or even completely disappeared.

So, if you need to relax under pressure, it ’s okay not to relax your body or change your mind. It is also a good way to reduce stress by going out for a change of environment.

This is the third dimension, called the environment.

As opposed to mind, there is a concept called “non-mind”, which means that something has nothing to do with mind. For example, there is a saying in China that bringing a piece of jade can ward off evil. Have you questioned this?