How will stay up every day

Some young people often work overtime and stay up late because of work reasons, and some young people do not work overtime, but they also have bad habits and like to stay up late. While young people have better physical fitness, they may not feel the adverse reactions caused by staying up late. So, what if you stay up late every day?

1. Damaged skin. Staying up all night affects the normal operation of the nervous system. Neurological disorders and endocrine disorders can cause skin to have poor elasticity, dullness, dryness, dryness, lack of luster and elasticity and other health problems, and often have acne, acne, chloasma and other skin problems.

2. Mental state is poor, and at the same time, resistance and immunity will decrease to varying degrees. Frequent staying up all night will make people listless during the day, become depressed, and will suffer from some respiratory diseases such as cold and cough because of reduced immunity. And gastrointestinal tract and digestive function diseases, because they often stay up late, and often have such health problems, are prone to suffer from gastric ulcers or superficial gastritis and other gastric diseases.

3. Slow response and memory loss. Staying up all night often leads to sympathetic nerve disorder and reduced function to varying degrees. Therefore, there are often unresponsiveness, inability to concentrate, poor memory, easy to forget, and often accompanied by headaches, dizziness and many other problems. Staying up late for a long time is harmful to all aspects of the body, so you should never stay up all night.