Can I eat dragon fruit during menstruation

Dragon fruit has high nutritional value, tastes good, sweet and soft, it is a fruit that many people like to buy and eat, and it also contains a lot of plants Sex albumin can protect the stomach wall. However, women need to be more cautious in their diet during menstruation. Many women do not know whether they can eat dragon fruit during menstruation?

Do n’t eat dragon fruit during menstruation, because women do n’t eat cold food during menstruation, and dragon fruit is cold, and women eat it during menstruation When the dragon fruit is found, it is easy to have abdominal pain, that is, dysmenorrhea, and in severe cases, it will cause endocrine disorders.

Precautions for menstruation

Cold fruits including watermelon, mangosteen, banana, pear, etc. are all fruits that women cannot eat during menstruation. Cold seafood also needs to be avoided. In addition, it is not advisable to drink alcohol during menstruation, otherwise it is easy to cause irregular menstruation, or cause the body’s liver burden to increase.

Sugar is also a food that women need to avoid during menstruation, because sugar will consume minerals and vitamin B in the body. Coffee can not be consumed during menstruation, because if you drink coffee during menstruation, it will cause breast tenderness, emotional instability, menstrual disorders, and vitamin B in the body will be consumed, which is not conducive to carbohydrate Metabolism.